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The holiday season is always so much fun; it’s often super busy too! You’ll have been running around making sure that Santa has the full Christmas list, wrapping gifts, and going to extra gatherings and events with family and friends; you’ve already taken on superwoman status! The festive season is also a time when many reflect on the past year before a new one begins (if you actually get any head space to do so at this time of year). If you do get the chance; reflection is a great way to better understand yourself, and to think about any changes you’d like to make, or that should be made, when the new year rolls around (which is so soon!).
If like many, you prioritize the needs of many others, whether in your job, at home with the family or those of extended family and friends; it can be easy to forget about your own needs, well-being, and wishes. Therefore, now’s your chance to grab a notebook and pen, and begin to write down some of the ways you could improve your lifestyle more next year so that you can start feeling like your best self. Increasing the amount you invest in yourself will have a positive impact on both you and those around you, so it’s worth doing as much as you can. The following are some ideas, thoughts, and inspiration for those who are ready to invest in their well-being and want to travel through next year feeling great
Physical Fitness
Maybe the thought of exercise, during the holiday season, just doesn’t appeal (or, perhaps it does!); that’s totally normal. However, as a fresh new year approaches, so does the opportunity for a fresh new start. There’s no better time to refocus and start a healthy journey that involves plenty of activity and an increase in your fitness. Not only will you gain physical strength; you’ll be getting your endorphins and happy hormones topped up regularly. Therefore, you can take the chance now, to consider how you’ll go about boosting your fitness next year, and for the years ahead! Maybe you already exercise; you can still give yourself a boost by trying new things. You could incorporate a kettlebell into your workout routine, add a mile to your weekly park run, or add a new exercise, like swimming, into your weekly fitness activities. Whatever you choose to do; don’t be afraid of mixing it up, or the change. Variety will keep you motivated and you’ll soon get into a fresh momentum.
If you don’t currently do any exercise, but have been thinking about it for a while, great; it’s an excellent time to get out there and do something for yourself and for your body. Classes are a great option for beginners; you’ll have the expertise and support of both your teacher or coach, along with your fellow attendees. Take a look in your local area to see what appeals, and there’s no time like the present to put your name down, or sign up for something.
If a yoga, workout, or martial arts class doesn’t appeal much; there are plenty of ways to start moving your body more. Consider getting online and doing a virtual workout, buying some new sneakers in the sales and starting jogging, or see if there are any team sports you used to love at school that are looking for new members. Keeping it appealing and fun is what it’s all about! It should never feel like a punishment; it’s about investing in your well-being.
Peace Of Mind
Now that you’re upping your fitness in 2023; it’s time to take action to improve your mind and mental well-being. It can be hard when you feel so busy, to take time out to look after your mind; however, not doing so can often lead to burnout and a tired, more subdued version of yourself. Therefore, it’s time to get rid of any guilt you may be feeling regarding dedicating some time just for you, and you can start looking into ways that will help you, and that can fit into your new lifestyle.
Whether it’s talking therapies or hypnotherapy; investing in the right help with specific issues is always a positive course of action. So it’s worth making contact with reputable professionals, after doing a little research online. Better yet; if you’ve been recommended to someone by a trusted loved one; head to them. There’s no harm or shame in trying your best to be your best, and if you need help, that’s completely normal.
Other options, like meditation, practicing mindfulness, and repeating affirmations each day, are also great and straightforward ways to improve your mood and give yourself a boost. Therefore, take time out each day to focus on what you’re thinking, clear your mind, and give yourself some inner peace.
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Exciting Plans
Investing in your well-being does not have to feel like hard work or a challenge; neither is it meant to! As you sit and think about the new year and the months ahead, you can begin to make plans to do all those things you want to. Perhaps it’s travel plans; book those tickets and accommodation so that you can go and enjoy your dream destination. Stop waiting for significant occasions to treat yourself, by yourself, or with family and loved ones. Maybe there’s a concert by your favorite artist, an exhibition that’s only in the city for a few months, or a sports game you’ve been thinking about; you deserve to go and enjoy them!
You can figure out logistics nearer the time, but it’s about doing something that will bring you joy; you can look forward to it beforehand, and reminisce afterward. And the plans don’t have to involve going anywhere! Next year is as good as any to dedicate a space in your home to your hobby or start that side hustle you know you’d be great at, or invest in something physical that will make you smile each time you wear or use it. It’s ok to want things for yourself and it’s even better when you get out there and get them. So, what are you waiting for?