Car cleaning tips
As a mother of 2 and one of them being a two-year-old and the second being a 10-year-old soccer player, keeping my car clean and neat is pretty much an impossible task…between the car ride snacks, sippy cups and soccer gear, my car was a rolling mess most of the time!
Get rid of the clutter
To prevent the car from being cluttered with toys, soccer gear, and anything else that my kids and their friends decide to bring in the car, I make sure they all take with them anything they brought in when they got in the car.
Avoid unnecessary items that will be left behind
One of the major issues I have with my daughter, is that her idea of what she needs for a car ride is very eclectic and non-functional, so most of those things she REALLY needed when she got in the car, are usually left in the car and usually not even used.
To prevent your car from becoming cluttered, make sure your kids only bring things that they will need and that they can carry with them once you are back home.
Have them check the seat and the back of the seat before they leave the car for misplaced items.
Keep them organized
Because snacks and toys for the rides might be a must for the kids, keep a small organizer with a few different items that they might truly need during a car ride and make sure, they place anything that would otherwise remain in the car back in the organizer before you leave the car.
Remember to include things that you might need while running around with the kids: tissues, hand sanitizer, phone charger, water, mosquito repellent and sunscreen are some of the items I like to keep in stock.
Trash call
It is truly amazing the amount of trash you can collect in the car…To avoid this, each passenger should check and take out any piece of garbage they have next to them, especially if you went through a drive-in!
Have designated toys for the car
To avoid bringing the toys in an out of the car, have a few items that can remain in the car and that way you will have no chance to forget them when leaving home.
Make the car cleaning a family affair
Take one day to clean the car and have the kids ( the ones that are old enough), help with the process!
A small vacuum cleaner can do wonders and helps to get rid of crumbs and other snack left overs ..It is also something the kids can help with and actually have fun while doing it.
Save money and have fun
Cleaning the car at home not only helps to save money, but can be a load of fun for the kids!
Because I can’t clean the car as often as I would like, I like the Meguiar’s ® Ultimate Quik Detailer or Meguiar’s ® Ultimate Waterless Wash & Wax to keep the car looking good between washes.
Dust free interior
The amount of dust that the car can collect is amazing and not in a good way. This is certainly not a good thing for allergy sufferers, so to keep the interior dust free, I like the Meguiar’s Ultimate Interior Detailer for a dust-free dashboard.
Keep it fresh
With kids and soccer gear constantly coming in and out, it is vital to keep the car odor free and smelling fresh, I like to use one of the Meguiar’s ® Whole Car Air Re-Freshers to remove bad odors from the car.
How do you keep your car mess and odor free? Do you have any car cleaning tips?
Win it:
Meguiar’s has kindly offered one lucky Born 2 Impress reader to win a few of their products to help keep your car clean for the holidays!
To enter this giveaway, please use the Giveaway Tools form below:

I clean my car with wipes for windows and auto wipes for steering wheel and dashboard. Having a small auto vacuum takes care of the rest along with occasional upholstery cleaner.