If you have a smartphone, you will probably agree with me that cases are a must…Let’s be honest, we spend hundreds of dollars on these devices, and the best that we can do for them and our wallet is ordering a case as soon as we order the phone.
Make it a double if the phone belongs to a kid
Fact: most kids already have a phone by the age of twelve and while that includes my own daughter, I am not quite sure that I get a fuzzy feeling about it, but everywhere you go, there are kids texting, playing games or talking on their smartphones ( yes, smartphones).

Peer pressure is probably one of the biggest reasons why these kids feel like they need to have an up-to-date smartphone, but that is a completely different post.
Since we don’t like throwing money out the window (at least, I don’t ), a phone case is a must ( FYI finding a case for your kids is as much fun as going shopping for clothes with them).

Thankfully, there are websites like Casely to make a parent’s life easier with tons of cases to choose from. My only complaint, they only offer cases for Apple phones, but if you or your kids have an Apple phone, you might want to check them out since their cases are all around $25 at tops, you can let your kids do the shopping.

If your kids or you, for that matter, like to update your case every so often, you have the option to go with a club membership that allows you to get a brand new case every month or every three months and only pay $15 each time you receive a case which is a savings of $9 per case.

If you are one of those who buy a case and you are done for as long as you have your phone, then a one-time purchase is what you need.

On the other hand, if you like matching your cases with your outfits, you will love this type of membership and are you up for treat!

They also have a really nice selection of phone rings which are all on sale right now for $5.00 which is half price of the regular cost and they have some really nice looking designs to complete the look of your phone!