If you find that stress is plaguing your life, then you’re not alone. A study conducted by the APA (American Psychological Association) has found that stress impacts most Americans to some degree, and more than half of US respondents have reported feeling paralyzed with stress.
Unfortunately, stress has a tendency to compound with different issues. If you’re already worried about finances, work, family troubles, and your future, then the last thing you want to face is the impact that stress is having on your physical health. Here are some ways to cope with these effects and relieve some of your stress.
Self Care and Mental Health
If you think that your stress is impacting your physical health, then you should deal with the underlying problem as well as treating the symptoms. This may mean contacting a mental health specialist or a therapist to talk through your stress. You might be prescribed medication to help you to cope.
When you can identify causes of your stress, then you might be able to make changes to reduce these triggers. For example, if you can change your job, then do so. Even if you can’t get rid of the causes of your stress, knowing your enemy is never a bad thing.
As well as professional help, you can reduce your stress by taking some care of yourself. Self-care could include quiet nights in with a good book, or spending time with friends or family and having some fun. There’s nothing wrong with needing some help when you’re stressed, the chances are that your loved ones are going through similar issues and you can support each other.
Sometimes when you’re stressed, you’re full of nervous energy. Other people might feel the opposite, they might be exhausted and overwhelmed. However, in both situations, physical exercise can be just what you need.
Exercise is a brilliant way to boost your mood and gives you more energy to face the day. When you work out, you get an endorphin boost which can relieve stress. If you’re frustrated, you can work off some of that stress while exercising.
Not only that, but exercising is beneficial for your health. When you’re already stressed, it pays to look after your body so that you have one less thing to worry about. You can get fit so that you look and feel better. The confidence boost that you get from exercising is another bonus.
Sleeping Right
Stress and poor sleep go hand in hand. When you’re stressed, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep. You might lie awake thinking about your worries, or you might sleep fitfully and wake up often. The added fatigue of not sleeping well can add to your stress and make it harder to cope with.
A good sleep routine can train your body to sleep at the right times. Go to bed at the same time each night, and get up then as well. Before you go to bed, take at least an hour or two to wind down without screen time or using a blue light filter on your devices. Drink a herbal tea to help you relax.
Even if you struggle to sleep, you can still get some rest at night. It may be worth seeing a medical professional for advice on how to sleep better or medication to help.
Treating Skin Conditions
Some skin conditions, such as eczema or dermatitis are triggered by stress. Itchy skin is uncomfortable at the best of times, and it’s unsightly as well. If your skin is flaring up, it can further interfere with your sleep and make you feel uncomfortable and more on edge.
The good news is that there are ways to treat itchy skin at night and during the day. Keep some water nearby at night, as dry skin is more prone to getting irritated, and keeping hydrated can help. A humidifier in your room can prevent your skin from drying out.
A good moisturizing routine is important at any point, but it’s especially so when your skin is irritated. Use a gentle moisturizer and make sure that the other products you use on your skin are unlikely to irritate it.
If your skin is particularly sensitive, it can crack and break open. This leaves you open for infections, which can be even more uncomfortable. If your skin is badly inflamed, cracked, or you suspect an infection, then see a doctor.