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A good night’s sleep is one of the most important parts of living a healthy lifestyle. If you’re not sleeping well, it can cause a range of different problems, from mood swings to trouble focusing. And if your bed isn’t very comfortable, you could also find that you experience issues like back pain that bother you both at night and during the day. Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to make your bed more comfortable so that you can sleep well. Even a few small changes can make a big difference to the comfort you experience and how much you enjoy being in your bed.
Make Your Mattress More Comfortable
When you want to make your bed more comfortable, the first place to start is always with the mattress. If you’re willing to spend a bit of money and you’ve had your existing mattress for a few years (around eight), you might want to buy a new one. But if not, a mattress topper is a great alternative. A product like the Nolah mattress topper can transform the comfort of your bed while keeping it breathable. You can add more support and have the topper contour to your body as you move during the night.
Get Seasonal Bedding
Keeping warm in the winter but cool in the summer is a challenge, and it’s even more difficult at night. If you have only one set of bedding, you can find it’s only useful for half the year or even less. Getting seasonal bedding that you can swap around as it starts to get cooler or warmer can help to make your bed more comfortable all year. During the summer, you might wish to have lighter layers and more breathable, cooling sheets. But in the winter, a thicker comforter or duvet can give you the warmth you desire.
Use the Right Pillow for Your Sleeping Position
The pillow you use can make a big difference to your comfort when you’re in bed. One of the things to think about is the position you sleep in. When you’re sleeping, your neck should ideally be aligned with your spine. That means that the thickness of your pillow may correspond with your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, your pillow doesn’t need to be as thick as if you sleep on your side, when there is more space to fill between your head and the mattress. Firmness is another factor to consider for your comfort.
Upgrade Your Sheets
Fancy sheets aren’t all about making your bed look nice. By upgrading your sheets, you can also make your bed more comfortable. High-quality materials can make your bed much more comfortable so you look forward to getting into it at the end of the day. Consider soft sheet materials like cotton flannel, sateen, or even silk sheets if you’re feeling particularly fancy. Breathability and softness are both key if you’re looking for comfort.
Making your bed more comfortable is easier than you might think. A few changes and you could be off to dreamland.