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Traditionally, misbehaved kids get a lump of coal in their stocking from Santa, and one year, my son, who was 2 year old received some… He had thrown a Sippy cup onto the glass top coffee table and sharper it and continuing with the sippy cup throwing the deal, also broke the living room flat-screen TV.

If that doesn’t deserve a lump of coal, nothing does, besides it gave his older sister a warning as to what could happen.

My daughter who is twelve and an active soccer player is getting a more refined version for Christmas, but I am pretty sure that just this one, she will love getting a bit coal or charcoal in this case.

Any twelve years old parent out there?

One of my biggest challenges when it comes to parenting my daughter is her bedroom, which by the way, according to my mother was one of the biggest issues she had with me… Did someone say karma?

Her room is always a mess, but the worse part of it is the smell of her cocker clothes. Yes, that is right, sweaty clothes and socks stink!

She plays soccer 4-5 times a week and of course, could not care less about bringing her uniform and gear to the laundry room.

Instead, everything is dumped right on the floor, or her hamper, either way; the soccer uniform can stink up the whole room.

My biggest pet peeve

I can’t stand weird smells and will be sniffing everything in a room until I find the source.

In my daughter ‘s case, I know what the problem is, and since I can’t be after her each game to bring her clothes down to the laundry room, I came up with a more practical solution.


Moso bamboo charcoal that is. I have been using charcoal for a couple of years as a way to eliminate odors, allergens, harmful pollutants out of the air.

I prefer these to fragrance odor eliminators’ for a couple of reasons, 1- they work continuously without giving off a scent.

Help to control damp, musty environments by absorbing excess moisture and prevent mold, mildew, and bacteria from forming.

The charcoal in the bags can be rejuvenated by placing the bags under the sun once a month and can be re-usable for up to two years.

So her stocking will have a set of the mini Moso bags for her shoes, and because I am such a great mom, she is also getting a bad of the 500 g Moso bad for her room!

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