This in Nutrisystem Bloger program week…..I just went back to work which is great for me as it helps me follow my diet a lot better than when I am at home. As I mentioned on my last post I only have a few days left on the program, so I am taking as much advantage as I can from it. Right now I am doing all my meals strictly with the Nutrisysytem meal with one or two exceptions and I have been able to keep shedding some of the extra weight I want to get rid of.

 I have lost 1 more pound since last week, I have not found my way back to the gym yet, but I have a great home exercise program that I am planning to start next week. I am also doing a better job than ever counting the calories that I take in and the calories I am burning which have doubled since I started working.

 I really believe that the secret of my success ( I have lots of people asking me how I did it) is the combination of the nutrisystem program and my ability to give up on temptations and the foods that are not in the program.

 That of course is a lot easier now that I am back to work. Now that I am going to be out of the Nutrisystem program, I have to figure out the best way to keep losing the weight and keeping it off…That is one thing I love about Nutrisystem .

 Even though I broke the diet more often than I should have even for long periods of time like my Ohio vacation, once I went back to the program, I was able to get rid of the weight quite easily…There is a lot of people that think I should stay just the way I am right now…I personally think I need to drop a few more pounds and I am sure I can do that with the time I have left in the program…I might not get to my final goal of 30 pounds, but I am really close to it!
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As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem  provided me with food and program to review. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.

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