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Spring is finally upon us.


With warmer days and lighters nights now at our disposal, we are all looking forward to the joys of Spring and Summer, yet before we launch into these two wonderfully social seasons we need to take care of our homes.


There have been a number of studies that link having a tidy home with a tidy mind; in fact, it is now scientifically proven that a cluttered house can contribute to a cluttered mind which is why at the start of Spring so many of us get busy deep cleaning the house and tending to the garden.


This article provides a five-step plan to help you organise your spring clean, but before getting into the mechanics it’s important to have a reward for the end of your mammoth clean – whether this is buying some new expensive furniture for your rejuvenated home or a little spa trip just to have some time to yourself, it’s important to have something to look forward to that will keep you going, as these Spring Clean’s aren’t the most fun activity to engage in.



If you are always searching through the clutter to find your car keys, or frantically searching through drawers prior to going on holiday in a desperate attempt to find your passport – then you could certainly benefit from this advice.  This all-important step of decluttering naturally leads onto the next phase of ‘getting organized’… as decluttering your home is a natural precursor to getting organized; for how can you get organized when there is clutter everywhere?



Most people need some form of order in their life in order to feel calm, centered, grounded and balanced.  This sense of emotional stability is closely linked to the feeling of stability and order you feel within your home life.  


Now that you’ve decluttered your home, you need to get organized, which sounds like a drag but the time investment will pay off as it will make your life a lot easier in the long run.



Whether it’s removing the internal clutter from your house or removing garden waste it can take an amount of time and effort if you do it yourself.  However, there is a surprising amount of money to be made for people willing to clear other people’s junk; and although junk removal prices vary hugely based on the area in which you live, there’s a strong chance it will be higher than what you might expect.  In the alternative, you could hire a van for a day or two and use this to cart rubbish to a local refuse site.



The act of cleaning your home isn’t a purely physical experience; it has clear practical benefits but there are significant emotional benefits to cleaning too.  It can be cathartic to go through your home and clean every corner of it as this process will cleanse the energy and emotion stored within your home, and can be a very soothing experience.



Now that your home is fresher, it’s time to inject some new vibrancy into your home… as an example, you could paint the walls, change the carpet, or purchase some new items for your home.  In the alternative, if you’re on a budget, then consider upcycling some of your old furniture and revamping it to freshen up the feel of your home.

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