In the last few decades melanoma has seen an alarming increase and while the general knowledge with the internet and the media power has enabled the general public to become better informed about causes and prevention and we have a world of information at the finger tips, the reality is that the number of skin cancer victims doesn’t seem to diminish.

There are many myths and misinformation and I have even heard my husband say my daughter doesn’t get sun burned because her skin tone. While it is true that being half Spanish her skin does not get sun burned and red as easy as her cousins on her father’s side of the family… it does not mean she does not get sun burned.

Absolutely she does…I am fully Spanish and I GET sunburned, so I always make sun protection a big deal and try to keep the kids and myself as safe as possible.

I have been looking on the sun protective clothing trend that is so in right now and wanted to take a closer look.

Because sun screen has to be reapplied and sometimes we (me included), are not so good at doing so and I wanted to look into something that would be comfortable and allow me to enjoy my time in the sun.

There are brands like Tuga sun protective clothing that offer a safe chemical free line with UPF 50++ which offers an excellent grade of protection.

I get most exposed to the sun when I go for my walks and living in Florida where it is sunny pretty much year around, I try to protect my face from the harmful UV rays and even more so after I had my baby because I got dark spots during my pregnancy and these spots look even darker after sun exposure.

I found that even though I was wearing sun screen before going on my walks, I was not getting as much protection as I had hoped for. My solution is a runners cap with UPF 50+.

Lightweight and specially designed for runners, the hat features UPF 50+ Sun Protective fabric to block damaging UVA/UVB sun rays. The hat is very comfortable and I use it often not only for my walks, but for running errands around town.

I wear sun screen in addition to the hat when I jog, but that was never the case when I was running around with the kids and sometimes I paid the price.

What the hat does for me is help me to stay cool and protected with or without additional sunscreen which translates into a clearer skin …not to mention the benefit to know I am increasing my odds against developing skin cancer.

The brand actually offers a nice selection for the whole family and I really liked their one piece bathing suits which are by the way a lot more forgiving and form fitting than I had expected.

No wires or pads are used on these bathing suits, but they hold and keep in place the things you want to keep in place.

These long sleeve bathing suits are made with a lightweight one piece with thumbholes, full zip with zip flap for easy on/off and made with UPF 50+ to protect the skin and block 98% of UVA + UVB rays, no matter if the bathing suit is wet or dry.

Fun prints and colors to choose from, the Tuga bathing suits are free of sunscreen chemicals which is especially great for people with sensitive skin.

So now you know, there are stylish ways to help prevent skin cancer and Tuga has a great selection, so make sure to take a look when you are shopping for sun protection for you and your family.

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