Being able to call yourself an Artist is an extremely rewarding thing. It’s the moment where you realize that you have a purpose – your talent is able to make not only others happy, but yourself too, and that is the most important thing in the world. Being an Artist is soul cleansing because it gives you an awful amount of peace within yourself doing something that you truly love. You are able to express whatever you want to and need to, all through the work that you produce. And while doing that, you get the benefits of learning how to grow as a person, and as an Artist, and that is a very pleasurable experience. One of the best things is that there is an inspiration all around you wherever you go, from waking up in the morning, to going to sleep at night. You can even find it in your subconscious when you dream.
Here are some more magical reasons as to why being an Artist is oh so wonderful.
Not required to work a mundane job that you hate.
Let’s face it, most people are in a job that they dislike, and the only reason they stay in it is that they need the money. So they endure the endless hours in the office going through endless amounts of paperwork for endless years of their life. But there is so much more out there, and there are so many opportunities that you can take that will make your life so much happier. Artists are in total control of what they do, and enjoy every second of it. If you’re more of a night owl than an early bird, you can work once the sun goes down and wake up later. You can stop to have some lunch or a cup of tea whenever you want without having to ask first. You can listen to your favorite music at a ridiculously high volume on repeat because you like it, and you do what you want.
Bring imaginary ideas to real life.
Part of being a human is the fact that we all have an imagination, some more than others – but we’re all gifted with one. Having said that, not everyone has the ability to take things from their mind and recreate it in the real world. Artists are able to do that with ease, and that is such a satisfying moment knowing that you have managed to bring something to life through your chosen medium. And the best part is that you get to show this off in the comfort of your own home. What better way to add some personality to your home design than by hanging up your paintings throughout it? It’s a way of giving guests an insight into who you are while reminding yourself everytime you walk past them. Oil paintings suddenly turned into the focal point of an interior design is something to make your surroundings come to life and bring everything together.
Have the freedom to do what you love.
A lot of people may dream of becoming an Artist, but a sad fact is that many who set out to do it soon quit, and that’s because it’s not always easy. Living life as an Artist can be really tough, especially when you first start out – you need to make money to survive, and if you don’t yet have a lot of interest, who’s going to buy your work? This is why many people opt to do it as a hobby first while still doing their full-time job. The only problem with this is you will soon realize you don’t have enough time to do both. As an Artist, you will need to have a lot of courage and belief that what you do is worth the risk. But know that every risk comes with a pay off if you put in all the hard work that is required along the way. There is no better feeling than waking in the morning knowing that you’re able to do something you love, and not only that but get paid for it.
Being able to see things other people can’t.
When you’re an Artist, you will often hear people saying that you have the eye. This may sound rather silly at first, but you will soon understand what they mean. You will be able to see things that others can’t. This doesn’t mean the paranormal, it means details, colors, patterns, textures, and more than other people would ever notice themselves because they aren’t an Artist. You have the skill to find something magical regardless of what it is – you have the eye. You will notice details that people don’t care about, or think about until you point them out through your art, and then everyone gets to see things the way that you do.
The chance to express yourself however you want.
You are able to express yourself however you desire whether that be your views on current topics or beliefs that you’re proud of having. And you never have to feel sorry for them, because you do whatever you wish through the medium you love. You can’t make everyone happy, and you should never try to. Be yourself and never change an opinion just because the other option is more popular. Art has no rules, and you can express that for the world to see – or not. It doesn’t matter, it’s entirely up to you. You are allowed to illustrate whatever your soul wants to say what it stands for. As an Artist, you get to share a piece of your own world that you hold so dear to you, and as scary as that sounds, it can also be so refreshing.
Touch others with what you create.
With being an Artist comes great responsibility, and that’s because you have an awful lot of power by the things that you create. You have the power to move others and touch their souls through your work, and that is both incredible and also rather intimidating. Your art can trigger emotions out of people, whether that be happy, sad, excited, inspired, angry, confused, in love – there are so many different feelings, and the coolest part is that not everyone will feel the same way. One of your pieces could evoke multiple emotions out of various people, or even just one individual. Putting across a message through your art is something that you have the skill to do, so make the most out of it.
Feel the rush when someone likes your work.
What an amazing feeling it is to get the credit where it’s due to people that are giving you the best possible feedback an Artist can get. While you don’t necessarily create things to please others, when they are appreciated, it’s definitely a great moment. It’s gratifying and humbling, and you deserve to feel that way after working so hard to produce something. Even just a minor little comment from a stranger is touching because you don’t know them, and they don’t know you, so they are by no means inclined to be nice. So when it happens, it’s because they genuinely like what you’ve done, and that is extremely comforting because you know it’s not all for nothing.
Connected to a community of like-minded individuals.
If you look in the right place, you can find a community of other great Artists that enjoy sharing their own experiences and techniques with one another, without having to worry about the potential legal barriers like in other industries. Sharing things with people that truly understand where you’re coming from is a special way of feeling connected to something important, and being an Artist is what’s important to you. You may be surprised as to the kind of people that you meet throughout your journey. You might even meet your future best friend, or life partner through your passion. You’re not alone in this world, you have never been, and you never will be, so although being an Artist can at times feel as though you need to close yourself away from the world – know that there are others out there who do that, while still making time for a trip down the bar with like-minded others.
So as you can see, being an Artist is packed full of so many wonderful possibilities that allow you to be truly free and live the life you want to without ever having to apologize for being who you are. When you’re down, you’re allowed to be, and you can use that pain in a positive way to create a piece of art that so many others will be able to relate to. So do something that you believe in, and the rewards will begin to follow you. It’s your turn in life to be whoever you want to be – if that means taking a risk and venturing off to be an Artist – so be it. The adventure is all yours.