This is my week 9 since I came back on the Nutrisystem program! As I mentioned last week, I spent most of the week out of the country, and while I did bring some of the Nutrisystem food with me, I couldn’t bring enough food for the whole week. Mainly because, at the time of the trip, most of the food I had in stock was frozen, but I did manage to stick to my diet ( with a couple of exceptions).


Nutrisystem pizza

I just received my new food order and Nutrisystem has added a few new items to their menu. One of these new items is their strawberry crepes which have become my new obsession!


Also new in the Nutrisystem menu, is their chocolate brownie sundae cup that is scrumptious! Right after I got back in the USA, I went shopping and made sure to add some of my favorite greens and veggies, so I can get back on track as quickly as possible.


Believe it or not, I am still waiting for my insurance company to give me the green light on the MRI, so I have not been able to go back to the gym and lift some weights like I would like to.

One thing I did was go to the leaf website and look for some healthy recipes for my days off (flex days) and fell in love with the Butternut Squash Chicken Chowder!

As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem provided me with food and program to review. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.

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