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We’ve got more devices than ever, and as a result, we are plugging in more things. Laptops, phones, iPads, televisions, and the standard utilities are all being used at any one time. In terms of electricity usage, there are a number of essential practices that we should all follow. Here are some to bear in mind.

Look for Damaged Cables 

Power cables or extension leads must be checked regularly and, if necessary, repaired by an >electrician. You should get into the habit of looking for damaged cables, especially if you have cables under furniture or rugs. It is a big no-no to put cables under furniture and rugs, not just because they are a trip hazard, but because they can overheat and potentially cause a fire.

Unplug Unused Appliances

It’s common sense to unplug appliances, not just because it will save you money on your electric bill, but will protect you from overheating or any power surges. If the sockets are hard to reach, investing in a >smart plug can help, as it can automate the devices in your home by operating as a remote control power switch, so you can shut off devices you are not using but are hard to access.

Invest in GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) Outlets 

These are >inexpensive electrical devices that you can install into your electrical system to protect you from water-based electrical shocks. It works by tripping the electrical circuit when detecting leakage currents or ground faults. If you have electrical devices in a space like a garage, and the garage is at the bottom of a slope, rainwater may run down into the garage, potentially causing electric shocks for anybody that’s not prepared. As a rule, you should keep cables away from the floors, but this is an extra insurance policy. You must keep your electrical devices away from water, and while there are devices that use water, for example, your kettle, you should always unplug these devices before you use them.

Protect Young Children From Hazards

Young children, for some inexplicable reason, are attracted to wires of all shapes and sizes. You may have caught your child attempting to put their finger in the plug socket too. To ensure that these things never occur, you must put safety caps on unused outlets and make sure you get into the habit of tidying up any loose cords and putting them out of reach of young hands.

Do Not Overload the Outlets

Outlets can only deliver a certain amount of electricity. If you plug in too many devices, this could cause an electrical surge and may cause a small house fire, or worse, an explosion.

Allow Air to Circulate

Electrical equipment like your laptop has an inbuilt fan to keep it cool. The same logic applies when using any type of electrical item around the >home. You should never obstruct electrical appliances like microwaves and make sure that if you are using items like electrical heaters, they are away from the walls, and you should not run electrical equipment in closets.

Ensuring you stay safe around the home is critical, and when it comes to electricity, these are a few simple things that will go a long way.

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