The product(s) provided for the review were sent to me free of charge from the company or the PR agency. The product(s) offered for the giveaway are free of charge, no purchase necessary. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.
My husband is an avid soccer fan and player which is great…at least until his soccer shoes make it to the house. The truth is that his shoes can get really stinky and that in a minor scale applies to some of his loafers that he wears without socks here in Florida, so after a while wearing some of his shoes they can start to stink as well.
A few weeks ago I came across a very interesting product…SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer. This sanitizer utilizes ultra violet light to kill bacteria that causes shoe odor. The SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer is actually a very neat and handy product that is also very easy to use.
The SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer is designed to destroy bacteria in shoes with its germicidal UVC lamp. UVC has been used as a germicide for decades in hospitals and water treatment systems….the same technology is used in many different products that are meant to eliminate microorganisms and is one technology I have come to love simply because it provides you with heavy duty germicide power without adding any chemicals to the item you are trying to sanitize which in this case is my husband’s shoes.
The SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer is very simple to use. It is sold in pairs so you treat a pair of shoes with each application. The treatment time is 45 minutes, during the treatment time , the two sanitizer dispositive are attached by the power cord and while the shoes are being treated, a small light in top of the handle will be on.. . After 45 minutes, the germicidal lamp automatically turns off. One other thing I really like about the SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer is the fact that it supports the shape of your shoe like a regular shoe tree. (please keep in mind that if the unit is not placed properly, the light will be blinking to indicate that the process is not taking place properly), it can happen to one or both sides of the shoe sanitizer.
To start the treatment, all you need to do is place the Sterishoe inside the shoes you want to treat, push down the unit and then press the button at the top of the handle.
I have found that after treating the husband’s shoes with the SteriShoe the smell odor in his shoes has reduced considerably after just one treatment and basically disappeared after a couple of treatments on his everyday shoes and about a 75-80% on his soccer shoes which is AMAZING!
The SteriShoe® ultraviolet shoe sanitizer comes is different sizes to match your shoe size and comes in men’s or women’s and since I ordered mine for my husband, I need to order more SteriShoe® shoe sanitizer in my size! the SteriShoe has a retail price of $129.95 and would make a great holiday present these holidays!
Win it:
SteriShoe has kindly offered one lucky Born 2 Impress reader, the chance t o win a free shoe sanitizer!
To enter this giveaway, please use the Giveaway Tools form bellow:

I like the dry skin lotion.
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From Pevonia I’d love to try the Age-Defying Marine Collagen Cream. However, for the Steri-Shoe giveaway, I’d love to win these for my husband’s shoes and boots! I like that it kills 99.9% of problematic microorganisms and that it automatically shuts off when does sterilizing the shoes.
I’m always trying to find great wrinkle cream, lol, so I’d like to try Pevonia’s lumafirm. It’s supposed to lighten and brighten instantly and I sure could use that right about now.
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I learned that it is accepted by the American Podiatric Medical Association.
Amazing it kills 99.9% of problematic microorganisms. My niece needs one, very stinky shoes!
I learned that the SteriShoe sanitizer automatically turns itself off after a full treatment, and then you are ready to go.
I learned that the SteriShoe® sanitizer has a one year limited warranty.
I learned that SteriShoe was written about in The Journal of the American Podiartic Medical Association. It sounds like a wonderful product!
It’s completely chemical and drug free.
I really like the fact that it auto shuts off when its done with the shoes.
I learned that the SteriShoe shoe sanitizer kills the organisms that cause:
Toe nail fungus – Athlete’s foot – Offensive shoe odor, which is EXACTLY what my husband needs.
kills 99.9% of problematic microorganisms
Wow. Disgusting and amazing – Each human foot has more than 250,000 sweat glands and sweats up to eight ounces per day. Sweat and heat from feet cause shoes to become breeding grounds for the bacteria and fungi that cause athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and shoe odor. The SteriShoe sanitizer safely and effectively kills these microorganisms in your shoes, so your feet have a clean place to enjoy the day.
i learned that you can never get sprays out of your shoes.
They provide to shoe bags with every purchase
I learned that it is accepted by the American Podiatric Medical Association/
I learned that dr’s impliment this therapy along with anti fungal to stop fungal problems
I learned that it’s Protected by U.S. Patent Nos. 5,978,996, D620,095, 7,960,706 & 8,466,433.
I learned that these are really a must for people with diabetes and should be a part of their foot care regimen because sanitized shoes will help prevent bacteria and infections.
Sterishoes is chemical and drug free which is wonderful hate using chemicals.
I learned that the innovator suffered from Onychomycosis
I learned that the human foot has 250,000 sweat glands and we sweat up to one pint per day into our shoes.
That this product is recommended as part of healthcare regimen for diabetics.
I learned that the lamp, which is designed to last 2000-3000 hours, can treat your shoes once a day for up to seven years
I learned it kills up to 99.9% of problematic microorganisms
The SteriShoe sanitizer is the only product clinically proven to kill up to 99.9% of problematic microorganisms!
I learned that hisbiscus tea is good for foot fungus
I learned that even if you do not wear your shoes for several months, the fungus spores can lie dormant in your shoes.
The lamp in the SteriShoe sanitizer lasts 2000-3000 hours & can treat your shoes once a day for up to seven years