by Jenniffer | Dec 12, 2022 | Blog Post, For the Home
Image Credit: DaModernDaVinci from Pixabay. Everyone knows they need to do some fixes around their home every once in a while. Though nobody plans for things to break, they’re an inevitable part of owning a house. To save a little money, you would’ve thought about...
by Jenniffer | Nov 27, 2022 | Blog Post, For the Home
Image Source Winter is upon us and many of us are beginning to feel the chill. Temperatures are dropping and the weather outside is getting worse, meaning that most of us will begin to entirely hibernation mode and spend more time in our homes. Of course, you’re going...
by Jenniffer | Nov 10, 2022 | Blog Post, For the Home
Pexels – CC0 License Pexels – CC0 License Anyone that has raised both a family and kept a career running, even with essential breaks like maternity leave or with a partner at home, can know how hard all of this is. Raising a family is arguably the hardest...
by Jenniffer | Jan 23, 2022 | Blog Post, For the Home
When you set out to do a home renovation, there may be many “to-do’s” on your list that you want to do, but are they worth it? Obviously, if you are living in your home for years to come, then any “want” that you have on your list is worth it, but when you are selling...
by Jenniffer | Feb 21, 2020 | Blog Post, For the Home
It sounds almost too good to be true, or you at least expect there to be some sort of catch. Nevertheless, the fact remains that you can save money when washing your dishes. This is the perfect example of how easy it is to save money around the home by making slight...
by Jenniffer | Feb 6, 2020 | Blog Post, For the Home
Affiliate Links Disclosure The decoration you use in your home is an echo of your style and, more often than not, your personality. The way you want to portray that style to the rest of the world is the first thing you need to decide when decorating your home. You...