This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.
Are you familiar with the Noseblindness concept? Ever heard of it? A few days ago I was given the opportunity to participate in a fun, yet educational campaign from Febreze products that introduced me and a couple of my friends to the Noseblindness concept and educated us about Febreze products and how Febreze can help you get rid of the #Noseblind problems in your home.
I always knew that people get accustomed to scents in their home, their cars, and the smell on their clothes and as part of the campaign we tested this concept…How? I participated in a fun and fragrant Febreze campaign to be part of a nose blind test.
I received my Febreze noseblind test kit to start with the experiment. Inside the box I found two envelopes; one was to be opened right away, the second one to be opened later…Also in the box I found a series of Febreze products and all of them featured the their new fragrance the Meadows and Rain… This is probably my favorite Febreze scent so far, but let’s get on to the test.
The first thing I had to do was invite a couple of friends come over for a movie night. Then each of us filled out a survey. I then dropped a couple of theater style microwave popcorns in the microwave and soon enough, the whole place smelled like a movie theater…I live in a condo, so I have limited living space and smells spread throughout pretty quickly in our place… we filled out another quick survey and then proceeded to start watching the movie.
So once we were all set with popcorn and drinks, we sat down to enjoy a movie. Once we were done with the movie, it was time to complete another survey and then it was time for the #noseblind assessment. Once that part was done, we talked about what we learned during the process and finally filled out a quick feedback.
I must say this was quite interesting. I have always thought that some people had no sense of smell, I mean it had to be impossible that they could not smell certain scents on themselves, their house or even their car…After working on this campaign, I finally knew the reason why and I am actually able to call this by its proper name ( Noseblindness). Noseblindness is very real and it is amazing how quickly our brain adapts to certain smells and completely blocks them.
It was very interesting to learn that the human olfactory system evolved from its original use which was to classify and line up the chemical signals from receptors in our nose in order of importance so we could recognize life endangering facts like wild animals predators, poisonous plants, etc.… but because of the human modernization, the olfactory system has another role.
We come in contact with so many different scents on a daily basis that we get overloaded with so many different scents. So our olfactory system can get distracted and it adapts by categorizing and identifying smells that are familiar so it can focus on less familiar smells that require our attention.
Noseblindness is a nasal condition where we become accustomed to the odors around us over time, which are created by the odor cycle. Odors from various activities are released inside our home where they can stay airborne or deposit on the soft surfaces that act like odor- magnets. As a result most people suffer from nose blindness in their natural habitat, so they perceive certain scents as “home” and are unable to perceive this familiar scent as malodorous…Make sense, don’t you think?
This certainly made me conscious as to what other people walking in my home can perceive as odors that I cannot!
Febreze offers the solution to the Noseblindness as Febreze contains a molecule known as Cyclodextrin that traps and eliminates the bad odors around us and leaves a pleasant scent.
When I first moved to the States, my husband was traveling overseas for work often. One of the first things he packed was a bottle Febreze fabric freshener as he said he used it to wear his shirts more than once, which I think is a little gross, but I guess if you don’t have a washing machine and end up staying overseas longer than you planned, it is probably the best option available.
We have always kept Febreze products in our home and now that I have learned so much about Noseblindness, we will use them even more!
Stay connected:
More about Noseblindness on Febreze Facebook and Twitter pages!
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Are you Noseblind? Febreze has kindly offered one lucky Born 2 Impress reader, the chance to win a free Febreze prize pack AND a $60 Amex gift card!
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This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign. My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part.My opinions are my own and not by any means influenced by any other part. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

I’ve walked into many homes where the smell of cat urine is just overwhelming. The people living there always seem oblivious to it. Another scent that some seem to be “noseblind” to is cigarette smoke.
i usually only notice if the owners have lots of pets, otherwise, i don’t notice much in others people’s homes, they tend to be clean.
I visited a home that had a cat and a dog and they fried a lot of fun. When you walked into the home you were hit with a thick air and smell. You can smell cat urine, a wet dog smell and old oil. It is really unpleasant. I am sure they are nose blind and need help!
I have walked in homes that I thought they were NoseBlind. I used to smoke and never really noticed the smell. Once I quit, I could smell stale smoke everywhere even in my home and clothes.
I don’t really notice odors unless they are strong. I can smell pet odors & smoking fumes. Once you get used to an odor, it smells normal to you.
I have one that I think many have experienced. My brother and his wife have 4 cats. They just don’t smell the litter box or even the regular cat smell. I smell it and others do to. He needs help.
When I go into other homes, I can smell cooking odors mostly. Cauliflower leaves a bad scent so do boiled eggs that have been unshelled.. A lot of good smells come from cooking to like popcorn , Pizza, Lasagna.. Cat Urine and cigarette & cigar smoking have the most stinky odor their is. Makes my stomach flip! People that live there do not seem to notice. So as you say they must be Noseblind!
Over at my Moms house. She has an air freshener in every outlet of her house. The smell in embedded into her clothes. Even when she sends food to our house that she doesn’t want it smells like air freshener.
As much as I love my in-laws, their house smells of cig smoke and wet dog even when clean… I once ate gummy bears there that tasted like smoke. We tend to visit more in summer so we can sit outside 🙂
I would love to win it baecause my husband always
complain about the bad odor in the house.
This would be the perfect solution for us.
Can wait to try it
I would love to win because between dogs and children with dirty diapers there is always an Oder. I can light candles but that doesn’t eliminate the Oder. I need help and maybe this will work. Praying I get the opportunity to try this.
The smell of certain kinds of fish is long-lasting. However the homes that are “noseblind” that I have been in are the body and pet odors that the owners don’t seem to notice
Pet smells are the most obvious, especially cats. But also really strong food smells. I have one friend who ferments her own kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. and her whole house smells like fermenting food. She is really healthy, though!
I would have to say my husband is noseblinded. I always smell scents especially going into a different area for instance a grocery store. He can’t even smell when our house has a dusty odor.
I don’t really notice odors unless they are strong. I can smell pet odors & smoking fumes
I once went into a house that all I could smell was cat urine. It was so gross. I had to excuse myself and go outside. I then had to try to find a polite way to bring it up without hurting the persons feelings…
Sometimes I walk into my own home and notice smells I didn’t realize were there. You get used to it and don’t realize how bad it is. I have lots of pets and its hard to keep up with the cage and litter box cleaning sometimes.
I don’t really notice odors unless they are strong. I can smell pet odors & smoking fumes.
I think my best friend might be kind of noseblind — he cooks Indian and Thai food all the time without airing out his kitchen, and there’s pretty noticeable pet odor on top of that. Needless to say, not the most appetizing combination, and I’m afraid of saying something and offend him (and his nose)!
I opened our fridge and it smells. I cleaned and wiped everything down and it still smells. I do not know what it is.
I have friends that have dogs inside of the house. It smells horrible, but I don’t think they notice. I don’t know of an easy way of telling them.
I hate visiting my cousin’s home. She is a cat hoarder and her home smells terrible! The feline urine smell is so bad your eyes and nose burns! She lives in that house like that so I would say she is definitely NOSEBLIND!
I can always smell pets’ odors every time I visit one of our local Mom and Pop stores. The owners are very nice, store looks clean yet the strong cat urines smell shuns me away. Thanks to their many cats, I never stay longer than needed.
This happens all the time at a family members house. This family member has too many animals and never seems to notice the scent of the various cats and dogs found in the house.
My friend seemed to be noseblind in her house. It smelled like wet dog and cat. I always wondered if she just couldn’t smell it.
I used to visit my son’s former girlfriends house and she apparently had not idea that her entire house was filled with dirty dog smell. The dogs were great, but they needed baths, so the house smelled really bad. On top of the dogs not being bathed enough, she was not a good house cleaner.
I remember a friend I had from middle school. They had a dog but he smelled so bad. None of her family seemed to notice at all. It was hard going over there.
Yes , I have. Every time I would visit my best friend’s house, I could smell the odor of cat pee. I never had the heart to tell her or her mom. I guess they had become noseblind and didn’t notice. They need to use Febreze, for sure!
I have been to homes that have a scent that I think the owners had gotten used to and no longer spelled it. It usually is related to animals, specifically cats.
Usually pet smells, like cats or dogs.
I visit a friends home and I am sure she doesnt notice this at all . She cooks alot of broccoli, cauliflower and cabbages all are good foods but can be really stinky. Her house always smells like one of the three ! Love her but I am sure she doesnt smell it anymore.
I definitely have visited homes with bad smells. I love using Fabreze products for my home so it always smells good. Thank you so much for sharing this giveaway
I’m involved in animal rescue, and you can bet I’ve been to the homes of fellow rescuers who likely didn’t realize how much dog (or cat or whatever) scent was in their homes. Of course, I suspect my house is the same, which is why I’d really love to win this prize pack.
We deal with being noseblind in our own house all the time! Having a baby and 3 pets is hard to keep up with, and sometimes when we leave and then come back home it’s all of the sudden obvious that it doesn’t smell so fresh! Febreeze really helps give each room the extra boost it needs to smell really good beyond keeping everything clean.
I have chemical and environmental sensitivities, so I always have trouble with fumes from perfume, fabric softener, paint, sealants, smoke, mold, etc. Every one of these things makes me sick! Exposure to any of these types of fumes can cause my chronic pain, migraines, muscle spasms, fatigue, and even potentially life-threatening reactions like throat-constriction and trouble breathing!
Anything that has to do with animal smells. Seems people who have animals can’t smell the odors that are left behind. Also when I go to someones home that smokes I can smell it really bad.
Cat box is the worst….and yes I have smelled that a a friend’s house 🙁
Oh my gosh, my brother is Noseblind! He has cats. And he never bothered to get them spayed or neutered, so it seems like one of them is always having kittens! I am allergic to cats, which is probably why I notice it so much. But he cannot seem to smell it.
Yes! I hate when people have pet smells, or they haven’t taken out the garbage all week. 🙂
There have been several occasions when I walked into a home and it seemed that the owners were noseblind. Many times owners with pets get used to the scents in their homes but guests are smacked with the awful smells of old stains in the carpet or from the “pads”. It’s nice to be greeted with sweet scents in various parts of the home.
I can smell very well and I love febreeze products they do work so it’s worth the money !!
some people i wonder if they are noseblind! they are clean, well-puttogether people but they have dogs with terrible dog odors! what makes it worse is when you come over looking sharp and the dogs drool and shed all over your clothes and leave that smell on you!
Yes. I’ve been hit with the smell of multiple dirty cat boxes before. I might be noseblind myself since I adopted my dog. I’m sure that my place could use some febreze.
Fortunately, all the houses we visited recently smells nice and clean. 🙂
I’ve walked into homes and you can smell dirty cat box. When visiting in the evenings sometimes there are food odors left over from supper.
Yes, I have been in homes where they have cats and the smell is overwhelming. I try to leave very quickly.
Yes, I have visited homes where I thought they might have been Noseblind. I’ve been in homes that I could smell garbage and cat litter boxes. I’ve also been in homes that have a musty smell. I often wonder how people can’t smell these odors themselves and take action to relieve the home of such offensive odors.
yes I can’t stand the smell of cats OR their urine. So when I go into some people’s homes and smell that urine smell, I want to vomit. That’s the first thing I thought about when you asked that question!
I have been in lots of homes that smell of animals. It doesn’t matter whether it is dogs or cats, the house still has an odor of animal. Another odor that sticks to the fabric of furniture is that of candles.
I know someone who is a smoker, and they smoke inside their house! Ewwww…it smells horrible. They must be noseblind to not notice!
unfortunately i think everyone has at least one noseblind friend. I have friends that have a lot of dogs and cats inside and they smoke cigarettes wow it is really full of strong odors… when I visit is wish i was noseblind.
I have a friend that has a cat. I absolutely dread spending anytime at her house because of the overwhelming cat urine smell. I’ve seen the litter box and she does keep it clean, but the smell is just so powerful it literally makes me gag! I feel bad, and won’t mention it to her because she is obviously noseblind to the smell!!
Yes I have been in homes that have been noise blind. They smell of cats and dogs . I am sure that febreze could help.
I hate going into a house when it smells like they took a bath in perfume or cologne.
Our apartment hallway always smells, because of one particular unit. They have no idea they are causing the rest of the building to smell…
I do not like the smell of cat uterine or litter box yuck. I prefer they mask the smell with something more refreshing too the nose. it would be nice
I’ve been to many home where the suffered from nose blindness. Most of them had cats, and there was a very strong urine odor. It’s odd because nobody seemed to mind. This was long before Febreeze was on the market.
I have been to lots of home that are noseblind to their pet’s smell. I have a family member who has a dog and her home smells like general dog and dog urine. She is older, so she can not smell as well and also has noseblindness, but it is very strong to an outsider. I have a hard time being in her house and question if I will let me small child inside.
I’m very sensitive to pet odors when I visit other people’s homes. I assume they can’t smell it….
I’m sure the same thing happens at my house when I’m cooking things like fish. We can’t smell it, but others can.
Yes I have. I think it was there dog. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been in homes where the owners are noseblind. Typically, it is the smell of smoke or pet odors, but sometimes it is strong body odors or foods that I notice.
I would go to my aunt’s house and it consistently smelled like moth balls that literally made me sick to my stomach. I really don’t think my aunt ever realized how the smell affected other people. She never burned candles or had any type of spray to take away this smell. It was just aweful.
Yes don’t walk into my boys bathroom! lol
Hate pet odors and smokibg odors!! There’s always that one house that u can’t stand to walk in & smell!! Lol 🙂
I visited a home that smelled terribly of mothballs. The odor was completely overwhelming. The owner didn’t seem to notice the smell at all! Cat urine is another smell that some people don’t seem to notice.
Yes! When I walk in a home of an elderly person (no offense to those that are) you can smell them. I know it sounds weird but they give off their own “odor”. I think that they can’t tell that they have that smell in their home but it’s there. It’s the same when you visit a nursing home too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure when I’m old as well that that smell would be coming from my house but I would think I’d have something trying to keep the smell hidden! lol
Food scents and odors of pets.
Alos certain cleaners leave a mediciney smell that is hard to get rid of. Also fish odor is pretty powerful.
I had a professor in college who told us about the nightmare he and his wife were going through with the house they had just bought. After they closed the purchase, they found out the house had a mold problem. I felt bad for him, but assumed he and his wife had figured out how to treat the problem because I knew they kept the house and didn’t move. Well, I visited them at their home a few years later, and the minute I walked in the door, I could smell a mildew-like odor. I figured they must just have gotten used to it. I very much hope they had treated the mold in some way, because that is a health concern as well as a smelly problem, but just from that experience, I know you can get used to something that jumps out to someone who’s not used to it!!
Smell, when you first walk into any home, is the very first impression. I’ve smelled houses that I will never walk into again because of odor, and other homes that smell so good that I’ve tried to copy it ever since walking in. I hope that one day my house is the one people try to copy!
I went to a place that smelled like wet dog. In addition, there was an old sweat smell in the furniture. It was difficult to bear at first, but became less noticeable with time. I’m sure that if they left and came back, they would notice it at first, but remaining in the home it would become less noticeable.
I have been to several houses where they had to have been nose blind. Some of the biggest culprits were cigarette smoke, pet odors (even cat urine), and food odors.
Was my ex husbands house, and it had a horrible musty smell. I told him all the time how bad it was, but he never believed me. It was so bad my daughters clothes smelled horrible when she came back home.
A friend of mine has two cats. I know she keeps the litter box clean but there’s always an odor in her house.
Thanks for the contest.
Yes i have went to my friends house after she had shrimp for dinner! She cleaned everything up but oh my goodness ! Her house smelled like she lived next to the bay but 10X stronger!
Yes I have. Homes where they are smokers and smoke inside the house. I am not a smoker so the smell is very obvious to me. Even homes with cats. Cats, to me, tend to make the house smell more than dogs.
Definitely, some have smelt like wet dogs and others boiled cabbage, yuck!
My friend’s camp is always musty and moldy smelly, even after we air it out when we go. I’ve mentioned some air fresheners and she just says to open the windows, she thinks it smells ‘like camp’. It drives me nuts because all of our clothes smell like that after a few days and when we go out into town I know we smell musty.
oh yes many smells my Dad old school never believed in flushing toilet every time you peed so their house would smell till one day got up enough nerve to say something. My Mom took control then
I had a friend with multiple cats and unfortunately it meant multiple stinky smells! The funny thing was – she kept her house really clean so she figured that took care of the problem – I didn’t have the heart to tell her otherwise.
I can;t think of anyone at the moment. I can say that we have had a fish fry and thought the smell was gone. Then we left the house for awhile, came back and the smell was very much still there.
Yes, I have been in homes where it is obvious they are noseblind. The most obvious odor is cat urine. However, I have also been in home where a general kind of wet dog odor or a cigarette odor linger. Another odor that bothers me is a perfume odor that permeates a home.
When i visited my friends houses, it smelled strongly of cat urine. She really could have used Febreze. I love cat’s and pets and I have a dog and a cat but i always stay on top of cleaning the litter box. If you don’t, you’ll get that strong ammonia smell through out the whole house. I can’t stand when people have cats and don’t take care of this.
I have been into homes that reek of smoke! Smokers get used to the smell of smoke.
Some homes that I have visited I definitely think the owners are nose blind. I know a few people who have strong pet odors from cats or dogs. Another family’s house always smells like garlic and onions. Mold or mildew is another smell I’ve encountered.
Some people houses have a very strong pet odor.. The people living there always seem oblivious (or a coustom ) to it. Another scent that some seem to be “noseblind” to is cigarette smoke. And often in old houses there is a “mildew” smells
I know many people are nose blind! Some of the homes I’ve been to smelled strongly of cat pee (why is that so strong??), or stale cigarette smoke. Also, the smell of cooked fish, or garlic and onions always seems to linger. The people who live there don’t seem to notice!
I have! It’s usually a house with either cats or dogs. I guess they don’t smell anything after being around it all the time. I know worry about that since we got a new puppy a few months ago. I do use febreeze so hopefully you can’t even tell we have a puppy. Thank you!
I visited a friend of mine a while back. As soon as I entered I could tell he had not cleaned the kitty litter box . Quite overpowering to say the least.
I have used fabreeze scented plu in oils serenity sleep for the longest time and it is really relaxing, all their products really give off long lasting scents
concerning being in homes that are nose blind, I still have friends who smoke and nothing seems to cover that smell, I feel like sneaking in some fabreeze products when I visit
I notice pet smells the most, whether it’s cats or dogs. That’s why I’m really diligent about keeping my cats’ litter boxes clean. But to me the worst is cigarette smoke. That stale smell gets into everything: rugs, furniture, books, etc. I don’t smoke, so I don’t have to worry about that in my home, but I’m always happy to use Febreze. I love the fresh scent it leaves in my home.
I’ve been in homes that smelled like cats and the litter box. Houses that smelled like fried foods. Houses that smelled like wet dog.
Yes I have!! I have walked into houses where you could smell litter boxes and dirty dogs.It was really nasty to me.I love Febreze!I use it all the time!
Yes! I do a lot of home visits for work, and I mostly smell houses that just smell really stale/old. Sometimes there are pet odors, and they are the worst.
I use febreze all the time because I have three cats. I hope I am not one of the noseblind. The other big one for me is cigarette smokers. yuck!
I have smelled everything from body odor to cat urine smells. When i am away from home and come back i can smell cigarette smoke, i dont smell it when i am home. I love the fresh smell of Febreze it doesnt mask odors.
A typical terrible odor is a litter box in bad need of a cleaning. That’s usually the worst.
Homes with animals are usually the most obvious. I have a cat and a dog. I Frebreze everyday. I also change my litter box once a day. Also smoking in the house. I honestly think that is worse.
MY husband is noseblind, I know it. OUR own house stinks, like it’s 100 years old, musty, damp. I despair, we need costly costly work done and the husband claims “I can’t smell anything”
I sure have. I usually encounter this issue when people have pets especially dogs. Stinky garbage is another culprit! I like to ask my bff when she comes over if it is stinky at all so I know if I need to pull out my Febreeze!
The noseblind I usually notice first is cigarette smoke. I can smell that as soon as I get out of my car.
i have been in homes that smelled like urine from pets and it was horrible.
Pet smells at people’s houses I’ve been to are pretty bad. They could really use Fabreeze
I have friends like this. Maybe they are pet-owners and don’t notice the pet dander smell anymore or maybe they just take a long time to clean up. Or maybe they are just messy people. But they don’t notice the scent of the dirty dishes piling up in the sing. ugh.
I have noseblindness in my home! I notice it when we are away for a few days and then when we walk in the door…bam. We have cats. In fact, I just febreezed the carpets and furniture this morning before I left the house!
I have a friend who is noseblind in her house. She has two dogs, and you can DEFINITELY tell when you walk in the house. It is overpowering. She could definitely use some Febreze!
Yes! I go in someone’s home often and it smells of dog urine and stale cigarettes. Sometimes I think my own house stinks, but I’m the only one who smells it.
I know people who love their pets but don’t seem to notice their pets odors,urine and other disgusting scents coming from them, I also know smokers who don’t seem to notice they make everything in their house smell like it including when I go over there my kids know i’ve been there because my clothes smell like smoke and also I have family that cook a lot,but if they cook fried chicken or fish the house smells for the rest of the day into the next day.
My aunt is noseblind. Her house smells like her pets. She can use some of this!
I have walked into homes that smelled like stinky unwashed dogs and cat urine smells from a bad taken care of cat box. Also, I have gone into kitchens where they have smells coming from their wastebasket. These homes definitely need some odor protection besides better grooming of their homes.
I hate walking into a home with a lot of pets. Some people don’t realize the bad odor their homes have because maybe their pets don’t get bathed often or they urinate in the house. They don’t notice the odor because they are used to it.
i don’t think i’ve been particularly noseblind to any smells. but it is amazing when homes with cats don’t smell like they have cats. unlike my house!
Anyone’s house with a dog would tend to be noseblind to it. It’s just too hard to point it out! Sometimes my own house smells because of our cat, so maybe I need to try some febreeze!
Yes, I have! They had pets & apparently never washed them. The house was so stinky, I could barely handle it.
yes- wet dog smells are the worst. those are the ones i notice most that others don’t seem to. i can’t stand that smell.
My friend’s house wreaks of cat poo and urine. I can barely go in but she seems unfazed.
When I was selling real estate I definitely went into a house where the people were noseblind. They had large dogs living in the house and the whole house smelled like a big wet dog. We had to hold our noses to tour it.
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I have been to nose blinded homes and it wasn’t pleasant. Between the smells of an unkept kitchen and dogs they live inside my nose needed a break. On a different note their car smelled of fast food.
My daughter and Jamaican husband like to cook with a certain spice that permeates their home . They don’t notice the odor but I do as soon as I walk in their house
I’ve been to a friend’s home that smelled really doggy. To me the smell was pretty overpowering. I definitely think she would be considered noseblind!
I have been to a few homes that smell like spoiled food or pets. Sadly, I bet people who visit me smell my pets too. It is hard to mask the smell of 4 cats, 3 dogs and sugar gliders!
People who smoke never notice the tobacco smell in their homes. It hits non-smokers like a ton of bricks when they walk in the door.
A friend of mine has 3 dogs that stay in the back room often. She loves to invite friends over and that’s where we usually hang out. We had mentioned the smell to her but I suppose she’s so used to it. Not good!!
I have been to several friends houses who are dog owners. The dog smell is overpowering and they don’t realize it or seem to care. I rarely visit these friends any more plus I am allergic to dogs.
I have been looking at houses to move and several have had strong pet order, especially cats.
I’ve visited lots of “Noseblind” homes. I usually smell cat litter, blek. In fact, my own house often smells like cat litter. Better get Febreze, LOL. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have walked into houses where it was very obvious they had pets that “weren’t potty trained”. I’ve also been to houses where they need to clean their litter boxes. I have a friend who has ferrets for pets. Those “critters” stink. A little Febreze would have helped a lot!
I rarely go into homes with pets because I am allergic. When I do, they something to keep the pet odor neutralized. Thanks for this contest. I can use this prize to give to coworkers with pets!
I have experienced noseblindness in my aunt’s house. She has 4 cats, and whenever I visit her it smells like the little box! She says she doesn’t even notice it anymore because she is so used to smelling it everyday.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I can usually tell when people have pets. Its always the cats that I can smell first. I have to leave quick or I will smell it all day. They could use the Febreze !!!
One day I went to my aunt’s for dinner. When I walked in the CAT Smell was badddddddd. No nose bleed but I gagged.
My great aunt had cats who sprayed all over her house and she was a chain smoker even whilte on oxygen. I wish I was able to steal her mask and wear it cause the smell was aweful. No matter how many times I visited I never could get past that I always wanted to go on pretty day take her outside!
Yes, I’ve noticed cigarette smokers often don’t perceive the odors from the cigarettes.
We have 3 dogs and a toddler so our house can definitely snell funky sometimes. It was very noticeable after being out of town for a week and my husband being home alone to care for everything. Wow, it was not a pleasant aroma to walk into! I love my febreeze though and use it on our rugs and sofa all the time!
My daughter (bless her heart) loves animals 3 giant dogs, 2 gun pigs, 2 rabbits, 2 dragons, 1 snake, oh, did I mention the Potbelly Pig?????
Sometimes the smell is a strong hint of the home.
I worked in a house that has a dog. It is one dog, but since I have a senistive nose I can pick up a scent. With Febreeze, it is a great help!
I think I am overly sensitive to smell as I believe every house with a pet has some degree of stench to it. Because of this we have held off on getting a pet for a very long time. I recently gave in and adopted a puppy, so I would absolutely adore this set to help until the puppy finishes potty training! 🙂
Yes my in laws house! They have 5 dogs, 2 birds, and 2 cats. Everyone of them poops and pee’s in the house whether on pee pads or liter boxes it smells! Plus they smoke in the house. They are completely noseblind to it! Urine and cigarette smoke not something I want to smell as soon as I walk into someones house. Thankfully they don’t live anywhere close to us so we don’t need to smell what they can’t!
I really haven’t had a problem with smelling odors in other people houses. About the only smell I will notice is a pets odor in a home. None of my friends or family have house odor problems.
One of the strong odors that I immediately notice when visiting friends with cats is cat urine. No matter how clean their home, I still notice the odor. Another is cigarette smoke. In my home, when ever I cook any curry dishes our home smells like curry for days.
Yes I know of someone who is quite sloppy.
Leaves dirty dishes laying around.
Also she doesn’t clean very often.
Needless to say her home is not the most sweet smelling!
Absolutely! My grandmother has a zoo of animals in her home (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, birds, ferrets, and more) and insists that it doesn’t smell like them at all. Yeah Right! Not only that, but my Aunt lives there and is allowed to smoke but “only in her room” as if that doesn’t permeate through the rest of the house. And no one who lives there can really smell it.
iwhen i am other peoples houses it ts the smell of pets being around them really gets you noseblind to there odors i am guilty of that one myself and it is real easy to happen that is why i like fabreeze so much it blocks the odors so you dont have to be ashamed
The homes where I see most folks noseblind are homes with animals. not all homes. But there are a few places that I have gone where they don’t realize that pets need regular washing and litter boxes that need to be in locations with lots of ventilation.
My friend has 6 dogs and she can’t smell them at all. I can’t complain too much though because I am sure I must be noseblind to my four cats too! We are both animal lovers so we don’t care too much.
Yes I have walked in a house and thought they were Nose Blind.It smelled like Doggy that needed a bath!
I would like to win because frebreeze is a great product and a little freshing at home is nice
I think we’ve all been in a Nose Blind house before! When I first saw the new commercials I laughed so hard, but then worried we may be that house! With a dog, an elderly cat and a new baby, there’s nothing “fresh” about our home right now!
I use to go to my moms house a lot and she has a lot of cats and dogs and it smelled of piss and doodoo.. I would always tell her how bad the house smelled and she would say it didn’t smell bad so yes she was nose blind.
Yes, My mother in laws. I Smelled cats and dogs. You can even smell the order of medicine lingering in the air. Its not a good combination … I just don’t understand how they don’t smell it. I mean I would have a lot of scented candles or fabriz the entire house every 2 min.
Oh yes, I have visited some Noseblind homes! Unfortunately mine is one of them when I leave my boyfriend alone here for too long and he decides to cook fish and forgets to take out the garbage, ack!
cat owners often don’t realize this. Even though I have cats, I pride myself on the fact that you can’t smell it when you enter my home. Febreze helps
I have been in a home that has noseblind. It smells of mold from the basement. It can also be toxic and is not healthy.
Most people’s homes have a specific smell that relates to them and their family, pets, children, the types of foods they cook. None of these are bad things but when walking into someone else’s home you can definitely tell that it is not your home by smell alone.
And when you walk into your own home after being away – even at work – you recognize your own home smell, even when there are specific smells that are really noticeable like your husband cooking a garlic-laden sauce.
often when i go to houses where two or more cats live i wish i were noseblind. cats often leave a pretty pungent odor in the litterbox. it can go unnoticed when you get used to it but when guests come over they can smell it right away.
I can’t really think of someones house I have visited that was really bad. I did however borrow a friends van that they used to transport a pig and that smell is never going away, and I don’t think they notice it.
I am very sensitive to the smell of cat and can immediately tell when a home has cats in it. I own a cat and I always ask guests if they can smell it because my one fear is that my house will smell like cat. I am so used to my own home I am afraid I wont smell it
I’ve been in people’s house and wondered if they’ve had a cat due to the odor. I never saw a cat. Also my son took lessons from a woman and the house smelled so bad of either dog or cat I would have to wait outside in the car even in the winter.
I used to have a friend who had no clue about cooking. Walked into their place one time and smelled food burning! I said I think you need to stick to take out from now on!
Yes I have been to a house that is noseblind. I smelt rotting food that was probably in their trash can. It smelled like thrown out vegetables. Yuck.
Fabreze really works, I have try it after I cook bacon to elimate the smell.
Yes, some outdoors are really strong and it is hard to believe that they can go unnoticed! I love my house to be fresh smelling and not stale!
It’s not too often but once I went to my sisters home and as you say noseblind. Thy have 3 dogs and for some reason you really could smell the animal scent. I told her gently and then opened the front door to let some fresh air in.
I have a family member that has tons of animals. She has chickens outside, 2 dogs, a cat and a pig. I realize we love our animals but sometimes you need to put that extra in cleaning and helping to eliminate odors they these dear pets give off. I know she is noseblind by this, as I’m sure everyone is with their own homes. I smell it each time I visit, yet they are so use to it they don’t realize it anymore!
I am totally blind to cat smells, but I always notice the smell when I go to the house of a friend who has a dog! Smoke smells seem to be the most common that the house owner doesn’t notice. Luckily most of my friends’ houses smell pretty okay!
In other house, sometimes there’s a wet dog smell or cigerettes, but I know with mine there sure is going to be some cat smells.
A lot of people are noseblind to baby and kid smells. Many homes with young kids smell like urine or saliva.
I’ve even noticed it my own house after we have fish! Sometimes we’ll have dinner and a couple hours later, go out to Dairy Queen or something for dessert. The house will seem fine when we leave, but when we get back home, it’s fish-tastic. And by “fish-tastic” I mean stinky!
All old people are noseblind! In the best case, the house smells musty but in the worst case…well…hopefully you can make a quick escape.
Yes I have been but it was when I was a caseworker working with the poor. I know and knew that they couldn’t afford extra supplies. I never said a word because that would not have been right. What I did was give them referrals to food banks and places they could get some extra supplies that had been donated 🙂
I have been in Noseblind homes. I have smelled cigarette smoke and I am very sensitive to this odor. This product would have definitely helped them out and I wished that it was around back then.
i have been to houses that are noseblind and smell like cigarettes. The smell makes me very sick and actually chemically sensitive to it. At OUR house though we have the worst thing and it is RIGHT as you walk in our front door…especially now. Our garage door is broken so kids cant come in that way and lose their shoes out there. They are lined up at the front entrance area and it is a small crackerbox area and then another entrance door to the house. The smell gets trapped in a 4x 5 foot spot…sports shoes of EVERY kind and sweat smell. Ick.
Yes someone house smells like cat pee. I don’t know how they don’t realize it. It smells horrid.
Yes, I have. Usually those scents are mothballs or leftover smells of cigarette smoke, cooking smells.
I have been to some homes where cooking odors have been very strong. Certain cultures that use a lot of spices sometimes have those odors lingering in the home. I didn’t necessarily think they were noseblind, I just thought maybe they didn’t know how to remove the smell from the home. Febreze would be a great option!
I’ve walked into smokers homes before that smelled like cigarette smoke but that’s about it.
I think all smokers are noseblind. I’ve been to the homes of others or even inside their cars and have been overwhelmed with smoke odor. I’m sure they would like to get rid of those odors if they knew how much they took the breath away of non-smokers.
Yes my friend has her whole house smelling like kitty litter but she does not notice it at all.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
We had some friends that were heavy smokers. They would only smoke outside their house but their clothes and furniture all smelled like cigarette smoke. It was pretty bad but they never seemed to even know
I have noticed smells in sometimes that make it seem the people must be noseblind. The worst smells are cat litter box, or b.o. I think those are the hardest to handle being around without gagging.
i’ve been to a house before that had an Old musty smell. The owner must have been noseblind to it as it didn’t seem to bother them at all. Febreze could probably have fixed it right up!
When I was house hunting last year, I walked into a house and almost gagged. The smell of cat urine followed me throughout the house and was so strong, I could not tell where the litter box was. I crossed that house off my list.
I’ve went to houses that smells like baby diapers. So use to the smell it wasn’t my kind of scent I wanted to smell for so long.
I’ve went to houses that smells like baby diapers. So use to the smell it wasn’t my kind of scent I wanted to smell for so long. They have tried to cover it up with perfume but the perfume was just as bad. I didn’t understand how you can have a horrible smell like that in your house and be fine with it?
My wife and I went to house with cats. The litter box smelt really bad and the urine in the air stung our eyes. The people didn’t seem to notice, but both of us could hardly stand it. We cut our night short because both of us were getting sick.
When we were house shopping we went into a house that reeked of smoke. It totally turned us off. I was wondering if we could even clean the house fully and get rid of the smell.
My friends have three dogs and boy does their house smell terrible! I could never tell them, so I don’t. I wonder if my house smells and people aren’t telling me!
My boss’s house smells horrible. Old pee and molded food…it’s horrible. I always smell when I leave the house too. Although to be fair, my house smells like cats and it doesn’t seem to matter what I do! Maybe I should try febreze haha
I have not been nose blind however my mom has. She has 2 cats a 1 dog. The house smells like like a cat box. not to mention my moms husband smoke cigars. I have no idea how she doesnt smell it. I know i smell as soon as i enter her house. she needs febreeze.
We went to a party a few weeks ago and our friends have a dog. The dog odors were absolutely extreme! I don’t think people realize those odors because they become immune to them, but it was something everyone at the party definitely noticed. Febreze would help so much in those types of situations!
I’ve gone to a friend’s house before where I thought they were noseblind. They’d cook a lot of different meals and scents would linger. Some of the worst was garlic, bacon, and fish because it would stay in my hair. Sometimes, they would not smell what I would smell.
Yes I was at someones house a few weeks ago and it had been very humid outside. They didn’t have the air on and when I walked in it smelled like bo and cat pee. I have a cat as well and try to keep it clean. It seems in the summer smells get worse because of the heat and humidity.
I have cats, so I never notice those smells, but I definitely notice dog smells in a home! I think the biggest noseblindness is people who smoke – I can always smell it on their clothes and around their house.
I have visited homes were I can tell someone smokes. I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke. I also have been in home where it is very noticeable that they have animals. I use Febreeze Candles.
I’ve not been in a “nose blind” home for a long time, but I have smelled homes that smell like unclean litterboxes….not the most pleasant smell!!
I have definitely been in houses where the owners have been noseblind. The one I’ve come across most often is litter box odor. Especially if there are multiple cats. That’s why I try to make sure to keep my own cat’s box clean even when I don’t smell it.
Hello! Yes. I have visited a home where they went noseblind. I hate to say it but it’s my best friends house. They have dogs and the house is ancient and it smells like the dogs and old wood. I love them to pieces but they could use some Febreze. Thank-you!!
Ive walked into many houses that seemed noseblind!! One specific one housed many animals , so the house stunk like animal urine and garbage!
I actually smell more at my own house when I’ve been away for a number of days. We have two dogs but i don’t usually think our house smells doggy. But when I come in after some time away, i can smell the doggies. Not terrible if you are an animal person, but definitely a dog smell.
I have visited many friends homes and realized they had to be noseblind to the scents of their animals and children. We recently got a kitten and I am overly paranoid about the litter tray smell. Visited the site and I would like to try the Set&Refresh: Sweet Pea Petals
We recently visited some old friends when we were in their town on vacation. They have a beautiful big home. Unfortunately, when you hit the front door you can smell cat. Not doubt what their pets are!
There have been times I wish I was noseblind. Like when my FIL in drinking liquor, it makes me want to vomit or when he deep fries already cooked seafood and the entire house smells like iodine. I also have been to home where pets are and they smell awful. I am not sure how people don’t realize how awful it smells but it makes me very sick.
I have a really sensitive nose so a lot bothers me. One things that REALLY bothers me is people with cats that don’t seem to smell when its time to change the littler box. Another smell that really gets me is from smoking. My mother has been a long time smoker, and even having been exposed to it I can smell it! It is completely disgusting and embarrassing when people ask me if I smoke. I know its not supposed to be an offensive smell but some people have some nasty smelling perfume and they seem to use too much of it which instantly makes me sneeze.
Yes I have a wonderful friend who unfortunately is a hoarder I love her to pieces but going to her house is not easy she has pets and her house smells like a litterbox. It is not pleasant. She clearly does not notice it.
Yes! The last household has four cats and a dog! They also have two kids under 12 so their house is a hotbed of smells and odors. They didn’t seem to mind!
Litter boxes! Those are some of the worst offenders that people are always noseblind too. You can always tell when someone has a cat! 🙂
My husband is Indian and while we love the food, we do not love the odors when the meal is over. We find febreze is perfect for removing those aromatic Indian spices from the kitchen and house!
It seems to me that my friends that have pets never smell the pet stinks that their furry family members leave.
My friend has 3 cats. She is Noseblind. UGH
My apartment smelled awful when one of my roommates left raw chicken on the counter. It had a very strong odor that I do not want to smell again. Fortunately, there was a hint of citrus because I was eating a lot of navel oranges at the time.
I’ve visited homes where there was a distinct wet dog smell as well as cigarette smoke smell. I am just as guilty though, I have 3 cats.
Yes, would have to say that they may have been noseblind pet urine
My sister’s home smells like kitty litter! She’s totally noseblind to it.
My mom’s house is really bad. She is a heavy smoker who smokes in her home. When we come over, she will light candles and spray the house, but it just makes it so much worse.
My sister’s home smells like kitty litter. She’s completely noseblind to it. But every time we go over I can smell it as soon as I open the door. She takes up the whole bathroom on the first floor for the three cats and I wish she’d move them to the basement!
When visiting those with pets it seems they don’t smell their dogs but yet to us they have a very strong odor and so does all the locations in the home where they like to hang out. I’m sure Febreze would help them with this big problem.
No, I can’t recall anytime when I smelled a scent that I thought might be Febreze. But I must admit that most of the homes I visit smell like pers (cats & dogs) or even more often like good (sometimes burnt!) FOOD. This is probably because most of the times that I am in someone’s home it is usually around meal time!
What scares me is that I might be nose blind. We have two cats. I’ve smelled odors in other people’s homes and they never seem to be aware.
One of the worse smells that I smell in people’s homes and their car is that wet dog smell. That is worse than most any other smells. Most dog owners seem to be completely oblivious to such an obvious and strong smell.
being a former smoker it hits me in the face when I walk into someone’s home that does smoke
being a former smoker it hits me in the face when I walk into someone’s home that does smoke; and all 3 of our daughter’s have pets and that’s usually the first think I smell when I walk in or my grandson who just messed his diaper and my daughter seems to be Noseblind to
When we went to visit our friend’s grandmother, she was totally noseblind. She had many cats and you were hit over the head by that scent as soon as you walked in the door!
Oh definitely. I would have to say it was in my mother-in-laws house. She is noseblind to the moth ball/ antiqued smell of her house. Matter of fact, it is so strong sometimes it will burn the hairs right out of your nose. No lie. LOL
Traveling in a semi truck with my husband and dog, yes it need to be saved at time from the Oder . The fresh smell of your product safes the day. From the food we cook in the truck, leaves a bad Oder at times. The hubby that smokes, that smell is the worst. TYSM for your products to safe me from the bad Oders.
I think the worst experience I had with noseblind is walking into the smell of cat urine and cigarette smoke at a strangers house.. I didn’t stay very long.
My goodness YES! I had a friend once who had 6 cats in the house. How in the world she could not smell her litter boxes, I will never know. Talk about someone having Nose Blindness!!!
Yes, my friend has cats and you would never know it. It always smells like a tropical paradise there!
Yes and I am sure that we were noseblind to our scents as well, like the cat liter box. But some of the scents that we have noticed going into other homes would be: cigarette smoke. Not just regular cigarette smoke, but stale smelling cigarette smoke. Scents from pets, going into a farmers home, they can’t smell the farm, but it is easily detectable if you haven’t grown up around that.
I have visited homes where there was too much scent. Too much scent makes me cough. I like light scents best.
I have been to a few homes where the owners must have been nose blind. The smell of dog urine was really over powering. I don’t think they could smell it….or they just got used to it.
Homes with cats and or aging carpets definitely have a scent. If you have indoor cats, it’s a never ending struggle to get rid of the strong urine odor. The same is true if you’re potty training boys with carpet anywhere near their opsies. Thank goodness for items like Febreeze, they help make every encounter a win win for everyone.
There was a home growing up like this. it was my neighbor – I think it was their unique style of healthy cooking that caused the smell.
The biggest smells are usually baby diapers or pets especially dogs, cats or ferrets.
Sorry got cut short. For my house, the biggest smell is food. We cook a lot of Indian, chinese foods and some have some strong spices so the smell of onion and garlic is pretty strong.
I have been in homes where now that I think about it, maybe they were noseblind. I have to say though, that I think that my husband might be noseblind ~ lol. If I go out of town for awhile and return, I can almost always expect to smell something a little “off” ~ usually in the refrigerator. On the other hand, I’ve been in homes where there are so many candles and other pretty scents, that it’s just too much and I get a headache.
That would be an option:)if you do not want to tell them, get them some Febreze!
i have a very sensitive nose and yes there are times when you go to someones house, i smell dirty socks, i can for sure smell if they have a lot of pets the worst smell that i hate to smell are dirty kitchen towels that have been left to sit out and spoil! Bleh!
garbage is the problem in my home
I have been to a home like this. The people were smokers who had cats. I don’t think they ever emptied or cleaned the ashtrays or litter box by the smell in the house. I hated going there and would spend the entire time sitting outside no matter how hot or cold it was.
Whenever I visit a smoker’s house I want to gag! I don’t know how they can’t tell that their house stinks. Smokers should definitely invest in some Febreze.
I have only been to a few homes that I think the owner’s are Noseblind. The major odor is cat litter. Otherwise, I really don’t notice any other odors unless they just cooked something, which is normal.
I am a smoker, but do not smoke in my house…When I walk in my sisters house that’s all I can smell, is stale smoke…
I’ve been to houses that have an animal smell. Also they didn’t clean very often. The house also smelled like garbage 🙁
I’ve been noseblind to the diaper genie in my bedroom. It’s awful so I guess it’s a good thing that I haven’t gotten used to it. I could most definitely use some febreze to clear the air though!
one of my aunts homes was stink filled with doggy smell. that was pretty much it, the smell was overwhelming. Her car was pretty bad too.
I have been in lots of houses like that one in particular I would smell garbage and dogs bad combination
People that smoke always have a house that smells like smoke. I have also been in homes that smell bad like kitty box. I have animals but try very hard to keep it smelling as fresh as possible
I have been in such a house. I think sometimes it is cooking odors. I’ve been in a house where I could smell animal smells. Smoke is the worst for me. I think smokers become noseblind over smells that are so strong they could choke a horse!
A friend’s house, they had cats. You shouldn’t be able to figure out where the cat’s litter box is when you enter the home.
i have been to many home where they are nose blind usually with the smell of the trash can, baby diapers, smoke or pet smells. When you walk into a home you shouldn’t waqnt to plug your nose and run!!
We went to a friends house and she has 3 very beautiful and friendly cats. The house smells of cat.
jmesparza821 at gmail dot com
When I was still in high school, I visited a friend’s house and immediately was overwhelmed by the smell of dirty clothes and urine. It was so weird because she lived in a really nice house and it appeared clean. But even after leaving, I smelled that weird smell on my clothes! They definitely could have used Febreeze to freshen it up a bit.
I’ve actually been one of the Noseblind people. For 12 years I lived on a cattle ranch, and at first I thought I would die everytime I walked outside, but after a few weeks it completely goes away. (which in that case was a good thing)
I’ve been to other houses where they may be noseblind. It usually tends to be their pets that cause the smells. But, who am I to speak, I’m sure we are noseblind to our pets.
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One house I entered clearly had diaper odor issues. Yuck. Another, they had cooked cabbage, a scent I absolutely hate. People who come to my house may pick up some smell that I am “noseblind” to , I wish that were not so.
Yes I have!! I have walked into houses where you could smell litter boxes and dog odor. I also notice cooking smells like fish and garlic.
Yes, I’ve walked in was in awe! I just tried not to frown, but wondered how is it possible that they could not smell the odor. I would then say, hmm, what’s that smell and down play it. I don;t think it mattered one way or another to them, because the never smelled what I smelled.
I don’t notice odors unless they are really strong. I can smell pet odors and smoking odors, Smoking odors are the worst odors,
My friend thinks my house smells with pet odors and hers doesn’t, but it does. Also, every time I open her fridge to get her cat’s medicine, there is usually a really strong, nasty smell in there. I can’t really describe it, maybe a little metallic. Since I’m a vegetarian & they’re not, it is probably some kind of meat or something. She always puts food in there uncovered, anyway. And I can barely stand to go in a smokers house, as I can smell it on everything. And the smell of cooking meat makes my sick.
I have been in homes where I think they may have been noseblind where I noticed pet odors. We have 2 dogs though, and I am sure we are noseblind to those odors.
Yes, I had an acquaintance who invited me to have afternoon dessert at her home. When I got there the pet odor was overwhelming and I don’t think she had any idea. It smelled SO strongly of dog urine. It was the most disgusting thing ever!
This is interesting but makes total sense. I used to be a smoker, and am still friends with people who smoke, and its amazing how easily one can adapt to the smell when around it all the time. I would be certain that I didn’t smell and my mother (who is sensitive to smoke) could smell it from a mile away. It also explains why people can live like utter slobs without the smell getting to them.
We found a prom dress for my daughter a few years back but it needed to be altered a little so I called a lady that was recommended by our local fabric store. When I carried the dress to her the smells in her home were of animals and it was really strong. They had to be noaeblind to the odor or they could not have stayed there.
There is nothing worse than the smell of wet dog. We have 2 black lab dogs, but we make sure we wash everything they have been near to prevent the smell.
I visited at a house that smelled from cat boxes and cigarette smoke. I don’t think the person who lived there even acknowledged it. I have 2 cats and I only hope I am not noseblind to smells of them in my house.
Yes I notice either pet smells or if there have been people smoking inside the home.
I am a smoker, but I do not smoke in my home. But from time to time we will visit friends who DO smoke in their home and I can REALLY smell just how horrible it is, That being said, we have 2 cats and 2 litter boxes and now I wonder if other people can smell them even when I can’t …..
I really tend to notice cigarette smoke. Even in homes where people have tried to cover it up, it always lingers. I am sure they don’t notice it.
I think my daughter is noseblind to the smell of cigarettes, I can smell them as soon as I walk in the door but she says she can’t smell it.
I *know* my family gets noseblind! Ours must be from cooking smells. We love to cook with onions and garlic but never notice it until I’ve traveled to someone else’s house for a few days and come back home!
The big one that I notice pets. The only thing worse is someone trying to cover up the odor with a cheap, strong deodorizer. Then you smell litter box AND gardenias. Tough.
Yes, I’ve visited a house where I thought the owner’s had noseblindness! They had cats and the whole house smelled like kitty litter. Yuck! I couldn’t spend more than about 30 minutes there.
I was very bad. I am not sure how they handle it. It was like dog poop.
oh my yes! i have too many pets and they stink me out sometimes…and I worry that I won’t notice it sometimes and let it go! I’ve been into other people’s homes with pets that had the same issue – dogs, cats, other – doesn’t matter!
I have an aunt that seems to end up with animals no one else wants or can keep. It’s very sweet, but sometimes it’s a little overwhelming. Espascially when two cats don’t like each other and have spraying contests.
My sister was cooking stinky saurkraut.
I think my in-laws are noseblind to pet odors. They are always really strong when we visit, but I don’t have the heart to tell them. We also have pets, but I try to be aware when things get a bit smelly.
Very strong dog smells! We have a couple of friends who don’t realize how bad their house smells. It definitely makes me wonder about mine!
Well I don’t want to be mean. Because I’m sure every home has its own smell and the owners don’t realize it. But I don’t like homes that smell like cats (sorry!) Or soup. Or just musty.
I don’t think I’ve been in anyone ele’s home who I thought was noseblind, but I am sure I am when it comes to the smell of my dogs. People come in and they’ll tell me inside smells like dog, but unless the dogs are wet, I don’t ssmell them at all. I am sure this is probably common for people with pets though. As it is I have allergies and unless it’s a strong scent, I’m probably not going to smell it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve been in homes where as soon as you walk through the door you can smell that they have cats. It is a real turn off to enter these homes. I usually never want to eat or drink anything that these people offer me. I just think the homes of are yucky even if the insides look nice the smell is a real deterrent.
My friend has 2 dogs. I really don’t love going over there because they STANK! And her kitchen has so many odors too.. I wish she was more in tune to it! Or I was less so!
It’s usually pet smells; especially wet pet smells
ugh yes.. cigarette smoke or stinky laundry smells
I have been in many homes where I think the owners must be nose blind. Nose blind to scents such as strong animal odor and smoking. I have also been in homes that just don’t smell clean….definitely need Febreeze!
The lovely smell of cats gets ya every time you enter a cat owners home…
I once visited a friends house and there was a bad smell coming from the kitchen sink.. I do not know how you could miss it but I did not say anything.
I always love a nice smelling house that’s why I love to use good smellin air fresher with pets and smoke in the house I still like to keep it smelling good
Socks. Shoes. Shoes and socks. These would be my guesses.
I can always smell cat odor when I visit my best friends house. She keeps it really clean, but I can still smell the cats. I’ll have to ask if she’s tried Febreze.
Please who have cats I can smell the liter box. The owner doesn’t realize it I don’t think but it sure has a bad smell
Different smells that I have encountered are dog or cat smells. Also spicy cooking smells get me. Sometimes I feel sick with the spicy smells. I guess I have a sensitive nose.
I walked into a home before where you could smell the animals, dirty dishes, and trash. It was gross! I couldn’t stay very long.
With two dogs and two cats I would say it is pet odors.!!!
I’ve spent most of my career doing home visit so this is not a new concept to me. My personal worst is the smell of diaper pails that are in need of removal. Follow that up woth cigarette smoke, blech!
The most noticeable scent when walking into someone home is usually a cat litter box. Next odor is someone who hasn’t taken their trash out before odors begin to set in. And my last noticeable odor is “wet dog odor” the smell of a wet dog.
Pet odors and smoking especially in the summer when the house is closed up because of air conditioning.
Sadly, yes I have! The people who lived in my former apartment before us! The place reeked from their dogs….barforama!
I believe I am noseblind to pet odors in my house.
Yes. I was visiting a friend’s house and all I could smell was the scent of their dog. It was disgusting. He really needs to use Febreze to take care of that odor.
I have visited homes where the occupants were noseblind to cigarette smoke, pet odors and cooking odors.
I never realized just how bad a house can smell of tar and nicotine until I quit smoking. It’s been almost four years and there are times when I literally have to put a distance between me and another person (who obviously smokes). I just can’t handle the smell. It bothers me to know that being a smoker for 30 years, I smelled like that!
I was looking for a new roommate and looking to move into a house with some other women. I arrived at the house and it looked beautiful from the outside. The minute the door was opened, it smelled like a giant cat litter box!
I think almost every home has a little bit of an odor from all of the things we do in our homes. Our pets, our cooking, what fabric softeners we use if any, if there are kids with sneakers 😉 I know I try to keep my home pleasant but with several cats sometimes you can smell the litter box. And for good or bad you can often smell whatever I’ve cooked recently.
I do not have problems with nosebleeds (knock on wood), however I have terrible allergies. I’m deathly allergic to cats and allergic to dust, dust mites, trees, etc. I basically need a bubble LOL. Anyway, pets get me really bad too so I have to be careful when going into someone’s home that has a pet.
My friends house smells like dog so bad everytime I go over there I am not sure what is happening but it kills me.. Iknow she bathes the dog but it still I just cannot handle it.. I am buying her some febreze when I go visit again..
I’ve gone into people’s houses where they were noseblind.The house would smell like a wetdog and mold. The dogs would come in from outside , smell bad, and the people wouldn’t notice.
Sad to say but that would be my home. I can tell when I go shopping and am out of the house for awhile and come back. I can smell cat and dog odors so I pretty much am noseblind unless I go somewhere 🙁
I don’t have any pets in my house , so I can smell pet odor in some of my friends homes with pets. But I think the strongest smell is if someone smokes in their home since I am a non smoker. But I think most people are nose blind to whatever smells are in their own home.
a friend of mine has a couple of cats and the litter box is quite strong even though she cleans it constantly
Good luck to me!
i would have to say taking the garbage out ,and the smell that is still there afterwards.i noticed that with a friend last week at her was bad.febreeze would fix that right up
I remember going into a home that had birds. The smell was like dirty pigeons . Being from Pa. that smell is in our town and it is horrible.
Yes a home that had a lot of cats and they thought it did not smell but o boy did it stink.
When we were looking at houses to buy, we walked into one and instantly knew they had cat(s). The house REEKED of urine. Upstairs we found 3 litterboxes in the spare bedroom.
Oh yes. People who have a lot of pets seems to be noseblind to the odors in their homes. I however am not!
Yes, I have visited a home and it stunk because they had cats!! I have also been in houses when we were looking to buy one and smelled ciggerate (not a good smell at all!!)
i have gone into a home where the people where noseblind. The smell was of pets. The house was not really dirty though but just the smell.
Yes, I have a sister in law that can’t smell her cats. When she opens her door, the smell hits me in the face. I don’t know how she can live there. She definitely needs some Febreze products!!
I have a neighbor who is noseblind to the odor of her elderly dogs and their “accidents”. I can also smell the pickling mixture that she uses to can pickles even though it had been months since canning season. There is also a slight moldy smell since it is an older home. I need to introduce her to Febreze!
I have been in a home where they must have been noseblind. They had a lot of cats and it had a strong animal smell. Not fun to take that in!
I’ve walked into several homes that had food smells, but since we were there to eat, I didn’t mind. However, I did walk into a house that immediately smelled like cat urine, and it wasn’t just every once in a while. My gosh, we were having a meeting there, and I tried to make it the fastest meeting on the planet. Ack!
Yes, pet odors and cigarette smoke are especially noticeable. I’ve been in homes with so many pets and such a strong odor I couldn’t stay inside.
I had this friend who had a cat, and really needed to clean the litter box more often, it was the most horrible smell entering his house, and he didn’t even notice.
many homes have scents. i noticed dustyor moldy smells. Pet smells when there are pets. Smokers are the worst.
smokers are the worst for home smells. Pet smells come in a close second. then there are the dusty and moldy smelling homes.
Yes I have been to my friend’s house which reaped of smoke and a smelly dog. I love dogs, but her dog had that wet dog smell and you could smell it in the living room and kitchen. I believe if she had a Febreze noticeable plug-in that would help a lot.
My cousin is noseblind,,,she rescues animals and keeps things really clean but it still smells like a barnyard but a nice one..
I had a friend in H ,S- and you never would have know this had you not gone to her house- but the cat urine smell was pretty dang awful. When my eyes would start to water, I would have to go home! I have always wondered if the family just didn’t smell it, does one get like so used to it that they can;t smell it?
Yes! My grandmother’s house use to smell like mothballs and witch hazel. I believe she was noseblind to that strong combination of unflattering scents.
I think our neighbor must be noseblind. She has a large bird. I can smell the bird all through the house.
Thanks for the giveaway…usually I can discern funky cooking odors when visiting a home for the first time; that and certain homes that reek of lingering tobacco smoke odors.
I haven’t been to too many houses where they are noseblind. The ones that do are usually ones with pets. I have also been in houses that smell like stale cigarette smoke.
I’ve been in homes that smelt like dirty, sweaty feet. They HAD to have been noseblind. 🙂
My friend had a basset hound. Whenever I went to her house the smell was overwhelming. I would leave and the smell would linger on my clothes. Nice dog but omg.
Some of our friends who have pets don’t seem to realize their homes smell like wet dog or cat urine. Also, many smokers get used to the smell of the cigarettes or cigars and don’t realize who badly everything smells like smoke.