Every now and then, the husband likes to get in the kitchen and cook.  The other night, he put together a nice salmon dinner that was absolutely delicious, so I wanted to share it with you all…If I could only get him to clean after he is done…I would be the happiest woman on earth!


Ingredients:  (For 4 people)

Nice cut of salmon 1.5 pounds (I bought a 3 pound salmon fillet from Sam’s Club for just $5.99 / pound that made enough for 2 meals of 4 people)

Weber Roasted Garlic and Herb seasoning

1 Pound Fresh Green Beans

6 Pieces of Maple Bacon

Handful of Sliced Almonds

1 Box Pasta Roni Vermicelli – Garlic and Olive Oil

Plenty of Butter and/or Margarine




Slice the salmon into nice steaks about 2-3 inches wide – will be about 6 inches long and 2 inches deep.

Season liberally with the Weber Roasted Garlic and Herb Seasoning – front and back


In a large skillet – cook up your 6 pieces of bacon on like 3-4 heat setting – don’t want splatter

Steam the green beans – if you don’t have a steamer, use a bowl in the microwave with water for like 5 minutes.  Then cold water to stop them from cooking.


Get another large skillet for your fish – hopefully one big enough for all 4 fillets – and melt butter or margarine in so that its like 1/4″ deep in the pan – do this on low heat

Take your bacon out after it is cooked – but not crunchy with tongs.


Place a handful of sliced almonds into the bacon grease and get them just a light brown (probably 4-5 minutes) stirring occasionally.


Dry your bacon off and cut it into bite size pieces with scissors.

Add a couple table spoons of butter/margarine to pan and then add the green beans and bacon.  (You can remove or leave in the bacon grease, depending on your health concerns)


Salt the green beans – and a dash of pepper.  Then stir to coat the beans.  Cook on low stirring occasionally while we cook everything else.

Cook up your Vermicelli to directions from box (I know – this is cheating – but we got a lot going on here).

CAREFULLY place the salmon in the pan – use a spatula – maybe even fish spatula if you have it.

COOK THEM ON LOW HEAT – like a 3 – probably 5 minutes each side depending on thickness.  If it looks too pink in middle – place a lid on for the last 2 minutes.

Plate and Enjoy.


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