This review was made possible by iConnect and Pampers. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions are 100% mine.
When I got pregnant last year, I knew I was going to be in for a rocky ride…Having Hyperemesis (Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) which is a complication of pregnancy characterized by intractable nausea, vomiting, and dehydration and is estimated to affect 0.5–2.0% of pregnant women) with my first child, I had a really big chance to have the same condition the second time around and of course that was what happened and as a result, I spent most of my pregnancy in bed receiving home health care that included daily IV’s, vitamins and even a picc like to administer all the fluids and meds I needed.
During this process I had a nurse ( Lucy)that would come to the house 2-3 times a week to change the IV site (before I got the picc line installed) or to get a new one whenever the one that was in got blown out which happened quite often. She also had to prep and change the medication in the the pump I had hooked up to my thigh and then to clean and maintain the picc line when I had it installed. As you can see, nurse Lucy was a key part of my wellbeing while I was pregnant!
I also had an amazing nurse during delivery…My little guy was almost 9 pounds at delivery and being a small woman delivering a big baby, well let’s just say that was not easy, but nurse Tina was amazing and made the whole process a lot easier, so I am forever thankful for nurses and their dedication!
Pampers wants to recognize and reward amazing nurses all over the country with the Thank You Nurses Awards program, which will honor nurses in three award categories: Labor & Delivery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Postpartum. Pamper encourages parents to share their stories of nurses who helped make life #betterforbaby by submitting a nurse nomination to the Pampers Swaddlers Thank You Nurses Awards at: Nurse nominations can be submitted between November 9th and December 14th!
• Three finalists, one in each category (Labor & Delivery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Postpartum), will be announced in March and the grand prize honoree will be announced in May.
• The three finalists will be honored with short documentary videos showcasing their unique and inspirational nursing stories.
• Each of the three finalists will receive a one-year membership to the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), attendance at the 2016 AWHONN Convention; Procter & Gamble care packages, and more. Visit for full prizing details.
• In honor of these nurse winners, three Pampers Swaddlers scholarships will be made available to help nurses from underrepresented groups complete their studies toward a Master of Science in Nursing degree.
This is your chance to thank nurses for the wonderful work they do helping moms and their little ones through difficult times! The nomination process is very simple and you can make a huge difference for that nurse that did so much for you, so what are you waiting for, head over to and nominate!
• See details and official rules at
• Winner must be a resident of the US or Puerto Rico, 18 years or older.
• Nomination period ends 12/14/15 at 3PM EST.
Join the Twitter party and win great prizes!
• The Pamper #ThankYouNurses Twitter Party, hosted by iConnect will take place on November 19 from 8-9pmCST. Prizes will include:
Prize 1: $50 AMEX plus diapers and wipes
Prize 2: $75 AMEX plus diapers and wipes
Prize 3: $125 AMEX plus diapers and wipes
Grand Prize: $350 AMEX plus diapers and wipes
RSVP: diapers and wipes
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Pampers has kindly offered one lucky Born 2 Impress reader, the chance to win a $100 AmEx gift card and a pack of Pampers Swaddlers!
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I can think of a few nurses that absolutely deserve a nomination. While my husband was treated for cancer, the nurses, entire staff, was caring, empathetic and attentive. Many great nurses out there.
When I delivered my son, I had the best nurses. Obviously that is a huge life moment and you only want the best! They treated me so well, encouraging me throughout the delivery and taking great care of me after! To this day, I am so thankful to them and tell everyone how I had amazing nurses!
I remember after my daughter was born 30+ years ago, there was a nurse that was my favorite! She was so helpful and answered my millions of questions with a smile on her face. She took extra time with me to show me how to get my daughter latched on properly which I was so grateful for!
I gave birth 7 weeks ago and there was one nurse in particular who was very helpful and sweet. Even my husband commented to me how great she was.
Sadly, I have not had good experiences with nurses, perhaps because of the area I live in. And lived in before. I remember when I was pushing my daughter out, the nurse said, “Wow, look at those hemorrhoids!” That was one of the kinder remarks from nurses through the years. When I was in the hospital a few years ago in another city, I was so nauseated from pain meds, I asked for some for my nausea. The nurse told me, “You have an emesis basin, if you need to vomit, just vomit in that and put it aside”. And when the Visiting Nurse first cam to our home to teach me how to change my brother’s dressing, she applied the ointment with a sterile applicator, needed more ointment – then went BACK to the tube with SAME applicator, thereby contaminating the entire tube. No. There are no nurses I’d like to thank. I could go on and on, but berhaps this is not the right forum for it.
Nurses are awesome. I had a difficult birth with my daughter. I am so glad the nurses at the hospital comforted me and made sure I had everything that I needed. I would love to thank them!
I had a great nurse when I delivered my son. I would love to thank her.
When I had my last child I ended up having to have a C-section. I was quite nervous about it. My nurse, Wanda, helped me through it and made a big difference in how it went.
I had great nurses when I was in the hospital delivering my son. It was a still birth and one nurse was so compassionate. I am still in contact with her.
I have had experiences with nurses but none of them stands out as being exceptional. They did their job, they were professional, they were not rude. Some were friendly, some not so much.
I would thank my sister! She worked really hard to get her degree and she had a lot of obstacles in her way! She is very empathetic and compassionate. She is the best nurse I know.
When my kids were born, the nurses both times were wonderful. I also had some major surgery a couple of years ago and the nurses who helped me were angels. I truly admire nurses.
I had a nurse named Lisa when I had my son. She was wonderful! She answered all of my questions, took the time to get anything I needed, and was very calming. She was great. She even stayed after her shift was over to help deliver my sweet baby.
My husband had a lot of really good nurses when he was battling cancer. One of them had her young daughter make a get well card for him. I thought that showed how caring she was and I wish I could thank her for it.
My sister-in-law is a nurse. When my Mom came home from the hospital last year after a month in the hospital & a bad fall while there that led to surgery to remove part od her necrotic leg tissue, my sister-in-law is the one who insisted she wasn’t doing as well as she should be & took her to the ER. It turned out she had sepsis & had to be rushed to a bigger hospital & put in ICU. She probably would have died if it had gone much longer.
When I was in High school I volunteered at a local hospital on the maternity ward and loved it. I wanted to be a nurse but life and bad decisions got in my way. When I had my son I had him at the hospital that I volunteered at and the nurses I worked with years before were still there and took extra special care of me.
I have needed a nurse when I gave birth to my kids. I also needed them when my daughter was in the hospital. They are truly giving individuals!
A nurse who helped with my first baby was so caring and helpful. I still think of her all these years. I would totally nominate her.
I have several friends who are nurses. They are caring, compassionate people who are fully suited for their chosen profession. I would like to thanks all of them for being kindhearted and warm.
I would like to thank the nurse who took care of my dad when he had cancer. She was amazing. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have a friend who works tirelessly as a nurse, and I would thank her.
Sorry, didn’t see I needed at least 3 sentences. I appreciate nurses and all their hard work and dedication. They can make all the difference during a stressful time. They deserve recognition for sure!
No I cannot think of one occasion that I needed a nurse or that one went over an beyond
i had great nurses when I had my LO. they were so kind and helpful. the nurse in the delivery room was amazing. Id love to thank her
There Have Been Many Times When I’ve Came Across Great Nurses, One Time When I Was A Child I Cut My Hand And The Nurse That Cared For Me Was So Kind And Caring, I’d Nominate Her!
Its been awhile, but a nurse helped me learn to breastfeed. My sister is an LPN. She works with older people and deserves a nomination for all she does.
I’ve needed a nurse for other reasons besides having children. I would like to thank them. Its nice to know theres good people out there.
I needed a nurse after having a c section with my daughter. The nurse I would like to thank, helped me a lot during my recovery. She was very helpful and patient.
ALl the nurses at Cleveland were extremely terrific when my daughter was extremely ill~
My daughters aunt is a nurse/OB tech and she is so kind and caring. I had an unplanned C-section with my last child and she stayed way past her shift to be in the OR with me.
The nurse that helped my daughter out when she had her baby last year was awesome, I don’t know her name but she was fantastic.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, my lamaze coach was also my nurse. She was very supportive and helpful as there was a lot I did not know. She later went on to be a licensed counselor.
I want to give a nice shout out to my friend Rachel the nurse – she takes care of people each and every day.
When I had my C-section, I was in the hospital for 4 days, and my son was in ICU for 20 days. All of the nurses were absolutely amazing. They were very helpful, understanding and patient. They made our situation a little better by being so nice 🙂
I haven’t delivered my baby yet (I’m due next week.) So I don’t have a nurse from the hospital – But my MIL is a nurse, and she has been there for me, every step of the way. I’m a worrier, but never liked to bother my doctor. So every time I had questions, I went to her, and I don’t know how I would have got through it with out her. The support nurses have for there patients, is truly amazing.
Yes, I have had to be in the hospital and the nurses were wonderful! They really help you to be more comfortable and at ease, and to get better so you can go home!
Love, love the nurses at my doctor’s office. Most of the time I see them and never even see the doctor. I have a nurse practitioner as my preferred provider, in fact.
Yes, I did. I don’t remember her name but she was so calming. I was talking to her as she calmly did thing, despite the situation . I don’t have have that special quality, so I am thankful for all that they do.
I would like to thank the nurse who was such a calming force when my mother was last in the hospital. She had cancer and did not make it, but the nurse she had was diligent and answered all of our questions. She was great to have around at that time.
I’ve had wonderful nurses, far exceeding the care of any doctors I have had in the past 15 years with chronic illness AND of course the nurses that helped with my 6 kids when they were born. I think the one I remember most was one who came to my rescue when i passed out after a back surgery. I dont remember her name, it was over 39 years ago. My favorite nurses are my girls though. They have had CNA training, and one worked in the field for 8 years. They have the most amount of patience and compassion I’ve ever witnessed!
My friend’s daughter is a wonderful nurse and deserves a nomination. I thank all nurses for the great job they do.
The nurses in the delivery room were great. They really kept me calm. They did a great job. Thanks!
I’m entering for my sister. She loved the nurses at her hospital in Lutz, Florida. She had to have an emergency C section, but she trusted and appreciated all the nurses for their support 🙂 Thanks!
I have been hospitalized and have had family members hospitalized. Nurses are the ones who you get know. They spend the most time with the patients, observing, getting to know them, their families. They deal with not only the medical issues but the personal issues as well. Nurses are under-appreciated sometimes and definitely over-worked. Thank you to ALL!!
One of my sister-in-laws is a nurse. I’ve never needed her services but I might one day.
Yes, When my son became sick as an infant I wanted to be able to thank all the nurses that had been there not only for him but for me as well!
My son was in NICU for three months. He had the most awesome primary care nurse ever.
It has been quite a while, but I have been in the hospital several times and needed a nurse. There are two nurses I would like to thank for their service, a mother and daughter who are my aunt and cousin. They loves their jobs, are great at them and are simply amazing nurses!
Have you ever been on a situation in which you needed a nurse?
Is there a nurse you would like to thank if you had a chance?
not outside of the hospital,and no..i dont know any sorry
I had a not-so-compassionate nurse with my first c-section five day stay. My next c-section was at another hospital and the nurses were much more in tune with patient needs. I will be having another c-section next month, hopefully the nurses are as kind as the last set. It’s hard work being a nurse.
I would love to than Karen, who was my nurse when I had surgery in 1st grade. She gave me stickers everytime I got out of my hospital bed and walked down the hallway. I created a sticker book out of all my stickers she gave me!
My son had his tonsils out last year when he was 5. It was such a scary process to have our son undergo surgery even though it was very routine surgery. The nurse that took care of him in the recovery room was amazing. She truly treated him as she would have her own child. She even took my husband’s blood pressure because he felt like it was really high. I don’t even know her name but I’m very grateful for the care she gave my family.
When my mom was ICU and talking out of her head, the nurses were so kind. They helped me get her back to the way she was before the low sodium incident. I thank all those nurses!
My sister is a nurse and I have asked her opinion all of the time.
The nurses that took care of me when i had surgery were fantastic. The nurses were always pleasant and caring. I know I was grumpy after surgery but that didn’t keep my floor nurse from sharing a joke and smile with me, even though it hurt laugh. I want say a big thank you to all nurses.
The nurses in the ER where I went after a car accident were just amazing. They were very caring and went out of their way to make me comfortable. They were very attentive and just upbeat!
My favorite nurse that most stands out is Nurse Janet. When I had my first baby, everything was totally new to me and my milk wasn’t coming in. She told me to start pumping (as well as having the baby suck on my breast like I was doing). After trying a couple of pumping sessions, my milk finally came in and I was so relieved. I wish I would have started pumping to help get the milk going right away, but am so thankful to her for her advice! Julie
There are several nurses in my family, who makes lives better every day.
I have had a few amazing nurses attend to me while I was in the hospital last year. It is great when you have a nurse that goes above and beyond the call of duty by showing compassion and making you laugh. Thanks to all the nurses that truly care about people and do the best they can to help others.
I don’t have any personal experience with nurses, but my sister in law is a nurse and she is wonderful!
Yes with both c sections they were infected so I need a home nurse each time. very great to both nurses.
I’m actually in nursing school now. I decided to change careers in mid life. It’s a very busy and demanding field. I have a new appreciation for nurses!
We have not had our first child yet. Because we have not had our first child yet I cannot really thank a nurse. My wife was a nurse, so I guess I would thank her for marrying me.
i had pneumonia one time and went to the ER i needed a nurse and there was a very nice nurse who helped me
I had wonderful nurses when I was in the hospital, I often thought I would of liked to have been a nurse but never went on in that field.
Nurses are so inspiring to me. The ones who took care of me in the ER have always been so pleasant! Many nurses go far beyond their expectations. They provide exceptional care.
My husband was hospitalized last year when he had a stroke. The nurses he had in the hospital were fantastic! They went out of their way to keep him comfortable . They were such a help to him and to me.
I’ve been in several situations where I’ve needed a nurse and luckily for me I have the best retired nurse in my life – my Grandmother.
Both my nurse midwives were amazing! The book they gave me on NFP has been very useful.
I have been extremely happy with every nurse i have had, they work so hard!!!!
So far in my life I haven’t needed a nurse except in the hospital.
There was a special nurse when I delivered my daughter.
This nurse was so patient with all of my questions.
thank you
My son was born w/out the doctor being there. Sooo grateful for the nurses! They kept BB calm and in the moment. Gracias for the Giveaway.
De mada:)
One of my best and long time friends is a hospice nurse. the work she does inspires me to appreciate life and not take a single day for granted.
I have had a few nurses in my time. I have had a few that have went over and beyond. But I am so bad at names. I really wish I could remember and give thinks.
yes i have. i was sick and needed a shot but i fear them. she was so patient with me.
I have stayed in the hospital a few times during my life and my nurses help me get through those times. I have three family members who are (or have been) nurses so I can appreciate the profession. I think more people should enter the nursing program because its a great career.
I have known lots of nurses in my life, and they are just as kind and compassionate outside of work. My friend’s mother was kind enough to tend to me when I broke my toe at a pool party one year. Nurses are the best!
I have needed a nurse each time I have given birth. My daughter’s nurse at her pediatric hemat/onc specialist is pretty incredible. If I were to thank someone it would be her or the ICU nurses
Luckily I haven’t been in a situation where I needed a nurse but I know they are hard working and sometimes unappreciated.
Of course I’ve needed a nurse! My mother was one (and a darn good one, I might add.) Her nursing skills took care of me more times than I care to admit. Much love for all the nurses out there making lives better.
I had an experience where after my tonsils were removed I ended back in the hospital from a side effect of antibiotics. My symptoms were the same as an illness going around, but thanks to a nurse who was actually antiquated to my mother talked to a Dr and was able to get me admitted. I was told I would have died if I did not go that night.
When I gave birth to my daughter I had a wonderful nurse. It was my aunt Jen. She always goes out of her way to help me and others when in need. I would nominate her.
OMG! Yes, nurses are the very best! I have a chronic illness and have been hospitalized 17 times in the last 6 years. The nurses are the ones who keep me in a positive mood, teach me self-care, fight for my best interest with physicians, and even sneak me the vanilla pudding I like. I swear they’re saints. Nurses, you rule!
I had a nurse present when I delivered my two girls. I don’t remember their names to thank them!
Luckily I have never had that situation but if I do I would really appreciate a talented, compassionate nurse. They are under appreciated workers.
I have not yet needed a nurse knock on wood. I have a sister in law who is a RN. She is very good and helped untold numbers of people
Yes, I have had lots of nurses in my life, but there are a few memorable ones that I always remember,and pray for. When I was hospitalised three times, there were two nurses who went above and beyond to take care of me, and make my hospital stay more enjoyable. We still keep in touch to this day, and became friends for life.
My bff is honestly one of the most caring and talented nurses I know. She genuinely cares and puts her whole self into her work to ensure that her patients receive the quality of care and attention that they deserve. Additionally, my favorite nurse and BFF just had her first baby last week – a beautful baby boy. I would love to see her receive recognition for all of her hard work and selfless spirit!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
I have nothing but wonderful things to say about nurses. In my experiences, nurses have spent time explaining things to me when doctors didn’t take the time, and were overall just great supportive, caring and smiling people when needed most.
I’ve needed a nurse each time I have been in the hospital. The best nurse I ever had was certainly the nurse that I had while giving birth to my daughter. She went above and beyond what a nurse usually does. She was fantastic. It was so long ago though that I dont recall her name.
kport207 at gmail dot com
My family has been very lucky and we have never really had any long hospital stays. But I am due in February so I am sure I will have lots of wonderful nurses caring for me and I am already thankful for that!
School nurses were always wonderful with me. They calmed me down and made sure I had a stable influence. I actually had the same nurse in middle school and high school.
I lucky haven’t had to have a situation yet. My experience would be with my grandmother’s nurse. She was so patient and informative.
I must be so thankful for my nurses who took extra care of me during my pregnancy and teach me the most important things to learn daily how to take care of my baby every day
I would like to nominate our school nurse, Terri. But I feel that very small, private special education schools don’t have the kind of voting power that it would take.
The main times i’ve needed a nurse have been having my babies. the nurse that helped with the delivery of my daughter was amazing. I would nominate her.
I would want to thank all of the nurses who helped me with my daughter’s birth. I especially would thank Beth, my daytime nurse who was so kind and dedicated. She taught me a lot and went above and beyond when she came in on her day off to help me prepare to leave the hospital.
I had wonderful nurses a few years ago when I had surgery. In fact they were so nice and treated me so good that I sent them a Thank you card!
Yep. Was blinded temporarily once. It was no fun at all, but the nurse helping me get around was a gem!
I had a wonderful nurse when I had my youngest daughter. She was very easy going and made a difficult situation better.
Our nurse Pat at the kids Dr. is so loving and careing. She always makes shots a gentle time for my kids who hate needles. She always gives them encouragement to get through the shot and after they get to pick a lil toy from the treasure box.
I have not yet been in a situation where I needed a nurse.
There will be a day when I will need a nurse because of my ailments. Nurses are a blessing.
we needed a nurse in the hospital when our son was born, she was so nice and helpful and made the entire experience so much better!
I have needed nurses for a couple non-life threatening ER visits, but would really like to thank the nurse that took care of my good friend during her high-risk pregnancy. Both baby and mom are doing great now!
I get an infusion every 6 weeks and the nurses there are very good. If I have to choose just one of them, I’d choose Sheila.
Thanks for the contest.
I have had nurses assist me when I was in labor at the hospital. I am afraid I don’t remember any names. They were very helpful though.
subscribe email: slehan at myway dot com
My favorite nurse is the lady that just showed my husband and I around the Labor & Delivery unit. I’m due in a month and a half and am very nervous! The nurse was very reassuring and made us feel very comfortable!
My CNM was awesome. She was very helpful and kind,.
I would have to say that mainly for support and empathy
Yes, it helps you sort through medical questions and confirms some of what you already know to talk with a nurse.
I have thanked many nurses over my lifetime. This includes those who I’ve worked with. Plus those who helped me and my family when in the hospital or doctor’s office. It’s amazing how many ways they can say this is normal when you ask a question which is far from normal to you.
the nurses that took care of me after the delivery of my son were amazing. they were attentive, kind, and helpful. I don’t remember their names but I would nominate them.
My husband has cancer and we have had some wonderful nurses. Some names we caught, some we didnt. I would nominaye Elaine at the radiation center. When David was hurting, she fought like a tiger to make it stop and get his meds.
FYI – The Picket Fence entry link is not working.
When I was in labor with my last son, I was in tears telling my husband that the epidural wasn’t working, he was just about to call a nurse over when one was bringing in clean sheets and noticed the baby crowning. She ran out of the room and brought in my midwife, I had the baby within 5 minutes!
My labor and delivery nurse, Shauna, was a true blessing! She kept me calm and talked me through my natural birth. When I dilated too quickly and had to deliver my daughter, Shauna delivered her and kept the situation under control until the doctor could make it into the room! She was my hero and is a hero to many other new moms every day! Thank you Shauna!
I loved my nurse during my delivery.
Yes, I needed a nurse when I was giving birth to my daughter.
It’s been 30 years since I had my daughter. I wound up needing a C-Section. I can still remember how wonderful this one male nurse was…but no way can I remember his name.
When my husband and I were living abroad, we decided to have our expecting child in a local clinic in a developing country. I was terrified because many of the nurses didn’t speak English. The project manager’s wife was a nurse and decided to schedule to come visit when I was planning to give birth. She helped me through every step of the process, motivated and encouraged me when I wanted to give up. I want to thank her for her support and helping me make it through.
I recently was hospitalized for having kidney stones. The nurse that took care of me did a wonderful job helping me deal with the pain.
My late husband had the greatest nurses. One I went to school with in another town years ago. We were both so surprised when she came into the room.
a long time ago when i was getting cortazoine in injections a nurse was there, thanks whoever you were
I remember when my daughter was born there was a nurse that was my favorite! She was so helpful and answered my millions of questions with a smile on her face. She helped me push and would bring me ice chips. She was also a great help when I had difficulty nursing.
I don not have a particular situation but I work with nurses and appreciate them and all they do!
I have only needed the assistance of a nurse when my son was born. They were great but I do not remember their names. But when my father in law was in the hospital, his nurses were absolutely wonderful. Not only did they take good care of his medical and physical needs, but they also brightened his day each and every time they walked into his room. They always had kind things to say, smiles on their faces and concern/happiness in their voices. Their words of encouragement was also one of the things that made his stay so so comfortable and aided in his healing process.
I had a great nurse when I delivered my son. They were wonderful and helpful.
Last Christmas morning, my son decided to get up early and peek at his gifts from Santa. He couldn’t keep his hands off, and ended up cutting himself on one of the hard plastic packages. He hit an artery so blood was everywhere. It was horrible! So, 6am Christmas morning, we found ourselves in the ER where we had the most amazing nurse! He was funny and lighthearted and made my son forget all about the stitches he was getting. That man made our Christmas!
coriwestphal at gmail dot com
Yes with all three deliveries I was blessed with amazing nurses who helped me so much
When I was in the hospital after having my daughter by c-section there were many wonderful nurses who helped me. One nurse in particular took special attention to make sure I was ok and had everything I needed. I would love to see her again to thank her for being so sweet and caring. Nurses are amazing and really deserve more than what they get.
I want to thank my nurse sister, who was so helpful when my granddaughter had a life threatening illness. She encouraged us and gave us suggestions on how to care for our granddaughter. We could not have gone through this without her.
I love nurses. my cousin is a nurse and shes the happiest and most helpful nurse. She is the best nurse I know.
I needed a nurse a few days ago to make sure I could take some meds I’d gotten from the dentists office. I’m currently pregnant so better to be safe than sorry! I would nominate my friend Vanessa, she’s a labor and delivery nurse and so caring.
There were several nurses I’d like to thank from years past when my dad was sick. You could tell they really cared and were concerned.
My cousin is a surgery nurse. I have not had any personal experiences with a nurse that I cared to remember as particularly caring. All I know is that they do the grunt work in between doctor visits.
my son had some great nurses when he was in the hospital. they helped him not be so scared. he was in there for awhile and its hard on kids in the hospital
I would love to thank the nurses that helped me after a bad dog bite. The one nurse kept telling me she was sorry if what she was doing was hurting me more, she was very gentle. Then after taking the antibiotics I was given, I got deathly ill, another nurse comforted me and let me know that everything was going to be okay.
The best nurses I can think of is when I had my first child. I had so many questions and they were very helpful and did not mind taking the time to answer everyone of them. They were the best help I had
Yes, i needed a nurse to help me alot after i had my two babies. She was so nice and helpful. i would love to give her reconition. If i was to ever have another baby i would love to see her. She was awesome.
There were many nurses that helped me when I had my first child. One nurse in particular was very kind and helpful, I have been wanting to find out her name so I can send in a thank you to her!
I had many great nurses when I was in the hospital having my two children. I would like to thank them all for their hard work and dedication. I have a friend Julie who is a wonderful nurse, I would like to nominate her.
Nurses have generally been the ones that have assisted me when I’ve had to call the doctor’s office about a medical problem. One of the nurses at the doctor’s office is usually the one that answers any questions or concerns I may have about my symptoms or medication. I think I tend to spend more time interacting with nurses than I do with any of my doctors, so really all of them need to be thanked.
When I was expecting, i had a rough time of it and was just ready for the baby to arrive. I had a nurse comfort me when i was upset over not being induced. She assured me it would happen shortly. She was so kind and patient and was the first to gush over my baby when she did finally arrive. My daughter is now fifteen and the most wonderful gift.
The only encounters I’ve had with nurses is when I had my babies. And the ones at the doctors office. For the most part they were all very kind and caring. I had one that was not so nice with my second birth. Fortunately I didn’t have to deal with her long.