#Planning ahead #vacations


Are you planning to travel this summer? We are planning to go on a couple of different trips this summer and there are a few things I have learned over time to make the traveling experience easier and make the whole process more enjoyable, not only for the kids, but for the parents as well.

Plan ahead…Make a list of the things you will need for the trip including clothes, shoes, medicine if your kids are on some kind of treatment (especially if you are going to be out of the country), think of the things you do not want to find yourself without on your vacations.

If you are taking a road trip, make sure to pack snacks and make sure they are accessible so you do not have to stop constantly. Dress your kids in comfortable clothes for the trip. When you make a restroom stop, try to get everybody to “go”…That will save you a lot of time.

If the kids have a favorite pillow, blanket or toy, add those to the list of things you need to pack as it helps when the kids get tired and want to take a nap.

If you are planning on taking lots of pictures and video, make sure to bring extra storage, batteries, and of course chargers for all your electronics including your phone …You do not want to run out of storage in the middle of a day specially if you will not have access to a store that sells these items…It also prevents you from over paying for these items. An on the go battery supply is a great thing to have.

If  your vacations plans are to go  on a cruise and have the tendency to get dizzy or have never been on one and you do not know how you will react to the ship…Pack something to help you with this…Sea sickness is not fun ( the ship pharmacy usually has this kind of medicine free of charge and they are available to the passengers from the moment you get on board).

Check passports with enough time to get a new one in case your passport has expired.

Staying with friends and family can drastically lower the amount of money you are going to spend on a trip…So if you are on a road trip see if you can stay overnight with relatives or friends, one night will not be much of a bother and can save you some real $$$.


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