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Energy efficiency isn’t as challenging as you think. All you need to do is make some relatively minor changes, such as draught-proofing the home and learning to use the thermostat correctly.

Keep the Heat Inside

All your heating efforts can be for nothing if you just let it escape. This will mean your hold stays colder and uses far more energy from your gas boiler or heat pump than is necessary. As a result, your bills will only get bigger. Yet there are some simple ways to keep the heat inside. Popular solutions include home window tinting, wall, floor, and attic insulation, and double-glazed windows. All of these work to ensure less heat is lost through the coldest parts.

Keep the Cold Out

Of course, the cold can also creep inside, and this lowers the temperature of any room. And this can even be quite harsh if there is a large enough source. For example, a door with a 1cm gap is enough to allow a cold draught through and will lower your temperature by a few degrees. Simple door strips and weather stripping around windows can help. But also don’t forget that your air conditioning unit can also be a source of a draught, so switch it off or cover the vents.

Use the Sun for Energy Efficiency

Heating costs are very high at the moment, but there is one way to help your bills. The sun is a great free source of heat and comes in especially strong mid-morning to early afternoon. This is pretty warm through a pane of double-glazed windows and can push your temperature along, meaning less energy on your heating. If you are lucky enough to have a south-facing window, you can get the sun pretty much all day long which can help you stay warmer in the winter.

Use Your Thermostat

It isn’t efficient to switch the heating on and off when you feel cold or warm. The best way to use your heating system correctly is to set a temperature on your thermostat. This ensures the temperature you want is always maintained. Most people consider 22°C the most comfortable temperature. However, you can find yourself turning this up if there is a cold air draught coming in from somewhere, which is why it is important to make sure you seal up any cold air gaps.

Make Alternative Replacements

You probably just want to use less and save money when it comes to energy. But energy must be used. However, you can ensure less is used when you make changes to the home. For example, you can use less electricity with LED bulbs, economy washing settings, and air drying clothes. This means you have more for heating your home when the colder weather comes in. And if you make some changes correctly, you may even see your overall bills come down a bit.


Keeping the heat in and the cold out will improve energy efficiency in your home. You can also use the sun for warmth during the day and make some electrical changes to save money.

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